> "the Office Space machine takedown to Geto Boys' Damn it feels good to be a gangsta"
Nope, that's a different scene. Not that I could name the track in the actual scene, that stuff all sounds a bit samy to me.
Of all the devices making our working lives harder, printers take top billing. Never mind computers that crash mid-PowerPoint or smartphones that inexplicably can’t find the network – these, at least, are complicated, multi-function devices with a lot going on. But printers? These have one job and one job only: put ink on paper …
Big fella at about 2:30, lucky he didn't take the head clean off that hammer. I wouldn't want to be swinging that around after he's had a go.
I must be about the only one thinking shame about the nice lengths of ground bar and phosphor bushes biting the dust there. Unless I'm mistaken the controller board in the very first one will have a white ceramic cased 64-pin Motorola 68k which would fetch a few quid in its own right on Ebay. Collectors like the white ones FSR.
I came across a rather an amusing homage to the Office Space printer scene in one of Birgirpall's excellent BF3 videos.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7O1ynhiv4Bk&list=UU7dlaP4GdMn7kBnsEDKupuQ&index=21&feature=plcp about a minute in.
For those not in the know, the tripod thingie is a SOFLAM (Laser Designator).
I watched printers go from the little toilet roll of thermal paper that came with a zx spectrum to a Monster HP laserjet 9000 that'll do 5000 pages a day indefinately.
... and yet no-one ever seems to have worked out a way of thelling the printer:
And I thought it was just me with the irrational loathing of printers!
When my last printer's terminal fuckwittedness finally earned it the death penalty, I poured methylated spirits into its insides and set it alight, before sending through a valedictory print job.
Ironically, this seemed to help and the wee bastard did actually start printing more immediately and with more enthusiasm than usual —for a few minutes anyway— before grinding to a halt with an almost animal sounding squeak from its smoking nether regions.
The printer before that got run over by my van several times, when its 'signal to pissing me off' ratio got too much.
It's the only language they understand!
as others have said...shame they couldnt hit the printers properly with the business end of those tools. i think with a good strike with the long-handled axe you could go clean through an HP.
next video, VIVA LA REVOLUTION! stick those blue-blooded printers into madame Guillotine! ;-)