Re: Problem
I can see potentially how pricing and Amazon's size can be an issue for paper books.
How is it an issue for eBooks? The music industry has managed to sell through different stores despite iTunes' size and without any price fixing arrangements.
I really don't understand either the article or these comments. Fast forward this idea, and let's say the Amazon monopoly is prevented. How would competition enter, if everyone was priced the same because of this collusive dealing? Will publishers out of the goodwill just reduce prices? Why? Where is the competition?
Instead of Recommend Retail Price, this is a fancy way to ensure a Minimum Retail Price. The only thing it allows is for a hundred+ stores to offer the same price, that is neither competition nor choice. The only people who win in this arrangement are the publishers!
I would still end up buying at a big name retailer (Amazon?) just to be safe, because there would be no reason to go anywhere else. The price is the same! It's digital, exactly the same quality!
This is just scaremongering from the publishers. Even with Amazon, eBooks are not sold at a loss, as there would be no point for them to be in business. They can also easily offer ePubs cheaper than AZW which is Amazon's Achilles heel. Right now it's just words, excuses, sob stories and rising prices.
Mr Orlowski should do some more investigation and show the numbers here.