Android, Nokia, Apple, MS
As others have written, can't we just accept diversity in the technology world ? There is Linux, Windows, Mainframes, AiX, MacOS, iOS, Oracle, Teradata, Java, C++, Ada, Postgres and many, many more technologies.
Healthy competition is very good for the consumer, application developers and even Apple. Google is doing very well financially and this is not changed by the fact that Apple is doing extremely-super-well.
Nokia, on the other hand is hardware company and I guess they still don't understand how a software operation works. When I had a 6030 years ago I wanted to develop J2ME apps, only to discover that the implementation was highly broken. I could get an update from Nokia, bit only for 30 euros ! Of course, that update fixed next to nothing. Then they sold Linux-based devices but killed these product lines soon after the launch. Now they also destroyed Symbian, at least from a publicity POV. Why did they not "renovate" Symbian ? That would have saved their existing developer community and assured control of their future. Why do they have such a confused Qt strategy ? Because they are clueless players in the field of software.
Microsoft is for some irrational reasons totally irked by the success of Android and iOS, despite the fact that their core business is Windows (Server and Client) and Office. MS is doing very well, but for some paranoid reasons they think they have to be a player in the phone biz.
They made half the mistake of Nokia in killing their old phone api and bolting a new "managed" on top of the WinCE kernel. That's a stupid restriction in the name of "our old ways were bad, let's eliminate those old approaches by force". MS (and IBM) was always most successful when they had a smooth migration path from the crappy old APIs to the new one. You could run DOS apps in WINNT for very good reasons. It is expensive and time-consuming to rewrite an app against a new API and forcing developers to do so is hugely stupid. So both MS and Nokia are sitting in the business doghouse for strong reasons.
Unix (style) has proven to be an excellent and highly economic platform (in Android and iOS) and I would not be surprised to see MS join the party in a few years. Finally, the better technology wins over the corporate contraptions of crap.