Keep Up? Pull the other one Vermin Media...
Virgin Media's new traffic managment policy rolled out 2nd April renders their headline speeds complete lies for nearly 50% of every single day.
New policy between 10am and 3pm is that once you download 10 gigabytes (or only 5GB between 4pm and 9pm), your broadband speed is cut in HALF for 5 hours.
So if I start my 50mbit service downloading a game on Steam at 5pm, it will use up my allowance in 14 minutes (at 6mb/s), and then cut my broadband down to 25mbit until 10pm.
For this sterling service I am paying exactly the same amount of money that I was paying before the policy - there is no benefit to anyone who wishes to consume more than 5gb in one day.
I am going to take up BT on their new service very shortly.