back to article Learn everything you need to know about System Center 2012

Among Windows systems administrators System Center 2012 is arguably the most hotly anticipated software release in nearly a decade. Microsoft is at last taking the fight to VMware, and it is expending the resources necessary to ensure that sysadmins are prepared. One branch of the strategy is making good use of Microsoft …


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  1. BlueGreen

    trolly but honest

    Experience has led me to a particular conclusion, that if you trust Microsoft you get hurt twice: in the short-term, and in the long-term.

    If it doesn't get broken by accident or by missing or incorrect of documentation or some other ingenious means, then they will break it deliberately just to remind you you've upgraded. Never forget they're not interested in you.

    I think you're being foolish in trusting them now, Trevor. I really do.

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