"the report of my death was an exaggeration'
So this is bad how?
BitTorrent is one example of a simple but effective data sharing application.
UltraViolet is another example and by the sounds of it has a bloody good SD to HD ripping service built-in at your local convenience store.
Think about that for a moment. For, well forever, we've had to buy the latest format WITH another license to consume that product. From 8-track, to vinyl, through cassette to CD and finally MP3, and every time, we've paid again for the license. This time though, you can upgrade your movie to a higher definition format for something like close to what it actually costs! (although £3.15 is still a bit too much IMO)
Besides, you think for one moment, that those who wish (hard enough) to get content for free from UltraViolet will be unable to do so? At the very least a screen scraper will do the trick. If it can go into your eyeballs, it can go into a camcorder.
I've got news for you buddy.
Sure they will try to rip people off with 'upgrades' and 'value-added promotions', it's in a businesses best interests to do so
And it's human nature to get something for nothing when the chance comes along.
'want DVD? fi poun dvd'
Hopefully this is the entertainment industry finally hauling its lazy backside up and giving people what they want. Irrespective of the fact that it's human nature to get things cheap/for free whenever and wherever possible. It's been going on for years and it ain't ever gonna stop my friend and there's fuck all you or they or anyone else can do about it.
However, if you give people what they want and make it convenient for them to get it, there's a good chance more of them will do it and more often. It's not exactly rocket surgery now is it?
@cornz1 On the whole I agree, but I think it would be fair to pay a token fee for upgrading to a new format physically. The point is, that's never been an option.
Even upgrading virtually, Walmart or whoever have to maintain equipment for doing so, training staff and dealing with uploads, failed rips etc, so a token payment there too is reasonable.
On the whole, I think it's a win and thus expect to get the thorough down-voting I deserve because of my opinion :D