Re: If 5 minutes burned through 0.025 mm...
Burned to a crisp, hhehehee... Just as long as they are not burned into CRISPS.... Wouldn't want THESE to be recycled into snacks...
Would give a whole new twist (not the Twists snack, mind you, hhahaha) on "Soylent Green is PEOPLE"... Just recycle the detritus left behind and have trucks vacuum it up like the ones that steal used cooking oil from behind restaurants.
Butt ass for 5 minutes, this tech could be a BOON for the adult toys industry... 5 minutes to 30 minutes of pulsing plasma....
Call it "PlasMastics"....
Then again, it could be useful on public transit, too. A seat sensor would know when someone stood up, ostensibly leaving the seat. Then deodorizers and "plasmatizers" could sanitize seats vacated by some of the most mobile and formidable germs/bac(k)teria (If V'ger had a say in it, hehehehe) that get to a seat by way of expelled vapor(s) and perspiration.
For certain situations, like MedEvac, this might be useful in a sort of sleeping bag enclosure for non-bleeding persons (or pets?) in transport to medical facilities. Just zip up the person and plug the bag in to the Ambulance. Don't know if this would cause any brownouts if plugged in en mass...
Plasma bibs for drooling adults, anyone?
Of course, these sold in the hundreds of millions could spell doom for the atmosphere...