back to article iPhone fanbois enraged by Instagram's Android triumph

Photo-bleaching camera app Instagram has notched up more than a million downloads in its first 24 hours on sale in the Android store. But the rush of new fandroids posting sepia-toned snaps of their breakfast has pissed off Apple fanbois, who have moaned that the pic-sharing side of the app is becoming too crowded. Instagram …


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  1. dogged

    wtb "u mad bro" icon

    1. Anonymous C0ward

      Try this one for the time being.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    But Android fans will argue for hours of forums about how their phone gives them the freedom to bring a service to its knees.

  3. hitmouse

    iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

    iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

      "<>"? Pascal programmers != real programmers

      1. Steve Evans

        Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

        Actually "<>" is used in far more places than just Pascal.

        And *real* programmers would have to use the hex code for jump not equal specific to their chosen architecture.

        1. sisk

          Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

          Actually real programmers would say something to the effect of:


          But of course it would vary dependent upon their platform.

          1. Stevie

            Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

            Is that big- or little-endian?

          2. Framitz

            Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

            A real programmer would use:

            69 50 68 6F 6E 65


            41 6E 64 72 6F 69 64

            1. This post has been deleted by its author

          3. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

            Enough! BR R14 and goodnight!

        2. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

          Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

          You probably need a load, compare and jump not zero along the lines of 3E<byte1>FE<byte2>CA<address>

          Brings back memories...

          1. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

            Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

            Sorry, that should of course be C2, not CA. Silly me, got my logic the wrong way around again.

        3. Dazed and Confused

          Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

          Real programmers avoid branches where possible, consider using predicates instead.

        4. rciafardone

          Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

          Whatever.. C RULES!!!

      2. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

        Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois


        Pascal programmers .NE. Real programmers

        Mine is the one with the Fortran 77 Manual

      3. Cazzo Enorme

        Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

        Judging by the (at the time of writing) downvote, there's one programmer still eating quiche.

        1. Steve Evans

          Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

          Real programmers (who by definition, don't eat quiche) should be down voting that.

          Real programmers don't use any high level language.

          1. Comments are attributed to your handle

            Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

            Actually, real programmers use a magnetized needle and a steady hand.

          2. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. scarshapedstar

      Re: iPhone users <> Apple fanbois

      <> is googlewhacked...

      Your search - <> - did not match any documents.

  4. g e


    That is all.

    Apart from 'You didn't really think they wouldn't expand their app onto something as big as Android, did you?'

    These naive people who think companies are somehow their 'friends'... sheesh.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Quite so

      but it's Instagram users not iphone users, though obviously they were kind of one and the same until yesterday

      Not everyone with an iPhone uses instagram

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

  5. Pirate Pete

    Sour grapes?

    ...or just Grapes of Wrath?

    1. Tom 35

      Re: Sour grapes?

      At least now they can make some wine...

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Sour grapes?

      ...... it just irks.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    Won't some hip Web 2.0 silicon roundabout social company give Ms Anna Leach a job already, so she can stop writing articles about shit she finds on Twitter?

    "Ode To A Small Lump Of Green Putty I Found In My Armpit One Midsummer Morning" comes to mind when reading this "article".

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Does an alarm go off in your basement when someone posts an article criticising Apple?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: @Metavisor

        If by 'basement' you mean 'trousers'...

    2. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Hang on

      I'm appalled/shocked/pleased that El Reg doesn't count as a 'hip Web 2.0 silicon roundabout social company' in your eyes.

    3. Sir Cosmo Bonsor

      In fairness

      "shit I found on Twitter" pretty much sums up most of the BBC's journalistic output these days.

  7. Jeebus

    Generally find those obsessed with photography to be general life losers with nothing interesting of their own to talk about, just other peoples fun and memories.

    Sad really, good to see Android getting in on all the "arty" top of the face, hat on rakeish angle to hide your fat fun though.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Wow that's some moronic generalisation there.

    2. Eponymous Bastard


      "Generally find those obsessed with photography to be general life losers with nothing interesting of their own to talk about . . . "

      Bit sweeping that one I think Jeebus.

  8. Mage Silver badge

    Points ->

    Ha Ha

    1. DZ-Jay

      Re: Points ->

      Nicely played sir...

  9. Anonymous Coward

    As well all knew.

    Instagram wasn't popular with iPhone owners because it was any good (both iPhone and Android have the vastly superior Pixel-o-matic), it was because it was exclusive to them.

    All the iphone dickheads will now move onto something else to proclaim as the best thing since sliced bread, the only criteria is that it needs to be iOS exclusive....

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: As well all knew.

      Pixlr-o-matic isn't integrated with its own photo sharing social network, which is precisely what Instagram IS ALL ABOUT.

      Do you even read anything other than your posts?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: As well all knew.

        And with Android, the intents allow you to share application data with any web service you want.

        Why would I want all my friends on G+ or Facebook to have to sign up to a ***ANOTHER** service just so they can view my hipster picture of downgraded and scratchy photos?

        The answer is, I don't want them too, i'm not that self-centered...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: As well all knew.

          And neither is every iPhone user. What's your point? You don't seem to have one apart from trying to appear morally superior.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: As well all knew.

        So something to avoid then, good to know!

      3. LosD

        Re: As well all knew.

        "Pixlr-o-matic isn't integrated with its own photo sharing social network"

        ...Which makes it better by definition.

  10. En_croute

    Instagram - Why??!

    Why turn your high quality camera into a box brownie?

    Seriously - I just don't get it.

    Unless you're covering up the poor quality of your Apple product's camera.


    1. David Gosnell

      Re: Instagram - Why??!

      Judging by the "photos" (mangled pieces of crap) I see posted every day, I envisage a generation of kids who'll be seriously clue-sticking their parents in a few years time as to why, oh why, oh why, etc. "Because it looks like an old print, dear". "An old WHAT?"

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Instagram - Why??!


      iPhone 4S

      Nexus Galaxy

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Instagram - Why??!

        And you picked the Nexus because? If you want to pick a Android model with a iPhone4s beating camera, try and Xperia (Arc S, or the S), both of which are as good as, if not better in outside light, but MUCH better than an iPhone 4s in low light and indoor shots.

      2. Mike Judge

        Re: Instagram - Why??!

        You really think this was a non-faked comparison?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Instagram - Why??!

          +1 for fake

          The iphone 4s camera is decent enough, but I doubt the nexus is /that/ bad.

          My N95, N96, N900, TF Prime, Milestone 2, Atrix, PlayBook all produce better pics than that.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Instagram - Why??!

      Poor quality camera? I suggest reading reviews instead showing your bias. facts are much more convincing than opinions. But then, you'd have nothing to say.

    4. Trokair 1

      Re: Instagram - Why??!

      Some people consider taking pictures "art". I consider it taking an f-ing picture that any idiot with a camera and no skill could do.

      Same with "modern art" which consists of random splatters of paint that sell for thousands of dollars. There are few artists left, the rest of them are self centered idiots.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Instagram - Why??!

        Has to be a troll..... Either that or a sadly deluded idiot. Or both.

      2. Eponymous Bastard

        Re: Instagram - Why??!


      3. The Baron

        Re: Instagram - Why??!

        > Some people consider taking pictures "art". I consider it taking an f-ing picture that any idiot with a camera and no skill could do.

        Some people consider this fad for applying paint onto canvas in such a manner as to create lifelike or abstract images to be "art". Sure, some people may be much better at it that others but that hardly makes them "artists", does it?

        Personally I say that if it ain't carved in stone, it ain't art.

    5. ThomH Silver badge

      Re: Instagram - Why??! — it's cheap Lomography

      They're turning their phones into Holgas without paying about £25 for a camera that was originally specifically designed to be profitable at something like 50p. And then they're saving money on not having to find somewhere to develop all that lovely medium format film.

      Why do they want a Holga in the first place? Just for fun, I imagine.

  11. frank ly

    Nature can be cruel

    Just as the habitat and breeding grounds of the lesser spotted jumping vole need to be protected and prevented from being overun, lest we lose this fascinating and puzzling creature; then perhaps the habitat (not sure about breeding grounds) of the iPhone user need to be preserved and protected from alien incursion. I don't think it's too much to ask that some apps be restricted to iPhone-only use, as part of a managed preservation effort.

    1. Jeebus

      Re: Nature can be cruel

      Can't we force them onto reservations, then make parade floats out of their old patents?

  12. Doug Glass

    Pissed Off Apple Users

    Reminds me of ridding the ranch or Prairie Dogs and the summer place of Chipmunks. Just a blast no matter how you frame it.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oooh... time to download it and share something to wind them up even more.

    Now where did I put that St Jobs doll and the dart board?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      I prefer my Steve Job(bies) toilet paper

      Not that I want to speak ill of the dead, I don't. I just want to wipe ;)

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Time to write a fanboi/fandroid app

    I'm off to write a social networking app that allows an iPhone user to auto-flame any Android owners in the immediate vicinity, and vice-versa. Maybe include remote triggering of fart apps or similar.

    Should sell literally dozens

    1. Paw Bokenfohr

      Re: Time to write a fanboi/fandroid app

      Judging by the comments sections on here every time there's an iOS, Android, or BB story, I think you're underestimating the size of the potential maket for your app.

  15. KjetilS

    Misplaced word

    "Combining the human desire to document the cuteness of their pets with a series of colour filters which make the resulting crap photos look good"

    I guess you meant

    "Combining the human desire to document the cuteness of their pets with a series of colour filters which make the resulting photos look crap "

  16. Rob

    FAIL all round

    I just don't get it, the app looks completely pointless, so FAIL for iPhone and Android users alike.

  17. Craigness

    12 employees

    And none of them has read the Android design guidelines.

    1. Kyoraki

      Re: 12 employees

      The android design guidlines remind me a lot of the Windows ones. They exist, but because programs that use them look so ugly, (pre-gingerbread anyway) it just gets ignored in favour of whatever misguided idea the developer has.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: 12 employees

        Many of these companies don't even read it. They just find a tool that can recompile their iOS app to work on Android.

        Result: Hideous interface that looks like Noddy and Big Ears designed it, and no use made of the useful things like the menu/settings button on the handset.

  18. dingbat

    Windows phone not even mentioned....


    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Windows phone not even mentioned....

      Windows phone not even mentioned....

      Er, Windows what??

  19. Anonymous Coward

    Something I suppose

    Love my Galaxy 10.1. Hate the sheer bloody lack of any apps I want for it. Every time I find something of genuine use I find it's only on Apple so I have to get it for my iPhone instead.

    Guess that will upset fans of both sides. It reminds me of how I pointed out to an Acorn Archimedes owning friend in the mid 90's he had the best machine on the market with the worst software support. Possibly the most frustrating combination really.

    1. Manu T

      Re: Something I suppose

      things went much better for Acorn machines later on (early 90's). Artworks beat the crap out on Coreldraw or Illustrator, same for Photodesk.

    2. ACcc

      Re: Something I suppose

      Swype - fricking awesome....

  20. Fogcat

    Some do seem to be really upset!/AndroidAGram

  21. Neil Alexander

    Oh look, the iPhone-using community can no longer include Instagram in their fanboyism because it's no longer exclusive to them. What a terrible shame.

    (What is it with iPhone users anyway? I've owned an iPhone before - it wasn't godlike.)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      what .

      you mean you COULD'NT walk on water

      your coffee mug still goes cold or empty

      and you had to still wipe your own bum

      well that's me decided then, I don't want one. their obviously still faulty.

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    WTF ?

    This application has access to the following:

    Hardware controls

    take pictures and videos

    Allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera. This allows the app at any time to collect images the camera is seeing.

    Your location

    fine (GPS) location

    Access fine location sources such as the Global Positioning System on the tablet, where available. Malicious apps may use this to determine where you are, and may consume additional battery power. Access fine location sources such as the Global Positioning System on the phone, where available. Malicious apps may use this to determine where you are, and may consume additional battery power.

    Network communication

    full Internet access

    Allows the app to create network sockets.

    Your personal information

    read contact data

    Allows the app to read all of the contact (address) data stored on your tablet. Malicious apps may use this to send your data to other people. Allows the app to read all of the contact (address) data stored on your phone. Malicious apps may use this to send your data to other people.


    modify/delete USB storage contents modify/delete SD card contents

    Allows the app to write to the USB storage. Allows the app to write to the SD card.

    System tools

    prevent tablet from sleeping prevent phone from sleeping

    Allows the app to prevent the tablet from going to sleep. Allows the app to prevent the phone from going to sleep.

    retrieve running apps

    Allows the app to retrieve information about currently and recently running tasks. Malicious apps may discover private information about other apps.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: WTF ?

      WTF indeed. What? Did they just select them all, just to be sure?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: WTF ?

      Pure FUD.

      take pictures and videos

      - Duh, it's a photo app for fucksakes.

      fine (GPS) location

      - Photo Geotagging (but only if you have GPS enabled).

      Network communication / full Internet access

      - How else is it going to get the photos online? Put them in a fucking envelope and mail them?

      read contact data

      - Presumably the app has some function for sending photos by email or MMS?

      modify/delete USB storage contents modify/delete SD card contents

      - Can't save your photos without that, can you?

      prevent tablet from sleeping prevent phone from sleeping

      - To stop the phone going into standby while you frame your shot.

      retrieve running apps

      - Nope, that one is a mystery. Though I expect someone cleverer than me could explain why this might be needed.

      Chances are the iPhone app also requires these permissions - the only difference being that Apple don't tell you about it.

      1. Craigness

        Re: WTF ?

        "Presumably the app has some function for sending photos by email or MMS"

        If they'd hired an Android developer then they'd know to use Intents to send pictures by email or MMS. They could also use the same method to send to Facebook, Twitter, G+ and anything else you can think of, instead of limiting their users to just a few networks (and, as I've seen on other iOS ports, asking them to enter their passwords into the app).

    3. Gerard Krupa

      Re: WTF ?

      Most of them make sense given that it's both a location-aware photography app AND a social networking app (hence the need for contacts). No clue why it needs information on other running apps though.

  23. Witty username

    Great conversion.....

    32gb of SD card goodness in my phone and this POS installs straight to the phone memory, making my poor galaxy ace almost brick itself.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Great conversion.....

      so get a decent phone that doesn't fall over as soon as it smells a fart.

      nasty, tacky bloody samsung,as bad as Toshiba and they just went bust.....

      1. Craigness

        Re: Great conversion.....

        This is a huge app, much more than just a fart. Lightbox was developed for Android and is more than 10Mb smaller, yet it does more.

        1. Witty username

          Re: Great conversion.....

          Rooted phone, installed an app to enable moving all apps to SD card, installed instagram, 2 days later an update comes out that lets you install it to SD card.

          Instagram = ultimate trolls. At least i have a rooted phone now though eh

  24. Nanners


    I swear I thought APP was short for "applets", as they started as "weblets" on apple's desktop O.S....

  25. FIA Silver badge

    So let me see if I get this?

    A service slows down due to increased usage.

    Some people on the internet are less than eloquent.

    Reg writes article with 'Apple' in the title to increase advertising revenue?

    Maybe we should have a 'news' section on the reg so we can filter out the idiot baiting.

    (Yes, I know, I'm one too, doesn't make it taste nice though.)

  26. David 155

    typical hipsters

    Something becomes popular, so they don't like it anymore.

    1. Manu T

      Re: typical hipsters

      @ david

      El reg still loves Android. Just look at the daily/weekly coverage of Android games and apps.

      IMHO they should devote at least the same amount of energy in native european tech (like Symbian which used to be brit). Then the UK IT-landscape shouldn't be such a wasteland.

      Because lets be honnest. The Uk created the very best IT consumer systems and lost them all (Acorn computers LTD, Psion, Epoc/Symbian... even the only original PC clone manufacturer ever to exist (the UK firm, Apricot) is gone. How lame is that.

      And now the only thing a UK IT website can do is make propaganda for yet one US IT system counteracting that other US IT system. Oh dear.

      1. Mike Judge

        Re: typical hipsters

        Not really, El-Reg just cover Android versions of things they have on their iPhones.

        It's VERY rare to see a good Android-only app reviewed.

  27. b166er

    Less 'Biting the hand that feeds IT'

    More 'Writing with hand that feeds the trolls'

  28. Anonymous Coward

    What is the point?

    Really, what is the point of this app? As mentioned by other comentards, Android has a lot of better photo apps with lots more filters, and integration with social networks is a breeze. All a social networking app needs to do is to register an intent (which Instagram doesn't do, BTW) to be able to receive media and share it on the network.

    This app might make sense on the jesus phone, but on Android? What's the point?

    1. jason 7

      Re: What is the point?

      Yeah I don't get the logic of taking crap pictures that no one really cares about (really, we don't) and making them even more crap with an app.

      Am I the only one not taking crazy pills here?


    2. Keep Refrigerated

      Re: What is the point?

      I suspect it has a lot to do with utilization of social networking. On my own FB feed, fanbois tend to be more hooked into sharing everything than anyone else. People see all these photos with "via Instagram" added to the bottom - the old crappy film style appeals to their sense of nostalgia, so they head to the Android Market to look for it and it is not to be found.

      They don't think beyond that to look for a similar app that will do everything Instagram does and more, just like they don't think to go beyond installing a different OS as an alternative to Windows. It just doesn't enter their heads.

      They also have friends with iPhones asking "Do you have Instagram?", rather than "Do you have an app that lets you take photo's and retro-filter them?" Fanbois are much more brand-aware than fandroids are... I tend to share what I can do with my phone rather than name the app I'm using (unless asked).

      So the moment Instagram hits Android, they're all downloading it, upsetting their hipster friends who liked being part of an envious and exclusive club (which was basically available to everyone all along).

  29. Manu T

    what's the big problem?

    IF pics = "too much" THEN DELETE pics


    1. stucs201

      Re: what's the big problem?

      Problem is you've ended an IF block with NEXT. Wtf? NEXT ends a FOR loop...

  30. IGnatius T Foobar


    Android just passed 50% marketshare this month. Android is now the majority platform. Apple fanbois are going to have to get used to their phones being a minority player, just like their computers are. That's not necessarily a bad thing; the Mac is a high end niche player, and increasingly, the iPhone is becoming one too.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: haha

      just like their users,quickly becoming has beens or worse never where's..

    2. ThomH Silver badge

      Re: haha

      I think you may be behind the times — Android has been the most popular platform for a couple of years; that is now also has a simple majority of the market doesn't really change that, especially since the losses of RIM and Nokia are being sucked up by both the Android manufacturers and Apple. So far Apple hasn't lost any market share, it's just that Android phones have acquired it much more quickly.

      I guess it's a comedown for the Apple-or-nothing set from the iPod experience, but they can just switch their attention to tablets for a couple of years.

  31. Paul RND*1000

    Waaa Waaah Waaaah!

    Seriously? The iWotsit users aren't exactly making themselves look good here. FFS grow up.

    You want claustrophobic? Flickr makes Instagram look like wide open space.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Waaa Waaah Waaaah!

      Did you see the posts on this story from the Fandroids? They're not doing themselves any favours either

  32. Stevie


    What a great use of the paradigm-shifty interwebs.

    On the other hand, can't the apple fanbase simply switch to a paid vanity press service? After all, gated communities cost uber-dosh to live in. If you made them free, *anyone* could move in.

  33. Manu T

    what's all the fuzz about? It's just a bunch of photos from a bunch of end-users. It's not something significant. So...

    If those apple fanboys where smart then they should create another apple-only website with an iOS -only app and make sure revenue goes to their website/project/app.

  34. Paul RND*1000

    Larger audience

    Just a thought here. Isn't the whole point of posting photos online to get them to the widest possible audience? And didn't the potential audience for a photo posted to Instagram just about double overnight?

    This is a *bad* thing? I guess it's not really about the photography after all, and is just about being able to pretend they're better than everyone else. How sad.

  35. Andrew Jones 2

    I had no interest in trying Instagram until the iPhone users on Twitter started saying such cheerfully joyous things as "I wish Android users would die a slow painful death" - then.... well my HTC One X arrives tomorrow (I Hope) so I might just have to download Instagram and take a picture of everything I see - like blades of grass or a drawing pin and upload all those pics one after the other..... tagged with #TeamiPhone of course - for the ultimate joke. To be serious for a moment though - instagram did a good job getting iPhone users interested in photography, but unfortunately it got iPhone users interested in photography - that's why cartoons like this exist:

  36. MikeyD85

    New plan

    1) Get instagram

    2) Take many photos of my Android bottle opener.


    1. johnnytruant

      Re: New plan

      3) ???

      4) Profit!

      1. jungle_jim

        3) ???

        Soil yourself

    2. Michael Thibault

      Re: New plan

      Missed a step!

      3) Profit!


  37. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    i dont get it...

    with my android phone I can take a photo and upload to any social network installed on my phone... what does this do that I can't already?

  38. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I'M BACK

    I see all the gutless wimps are all posting anonymously still.

    BAN IT

    if you won't put your name to it,don't bother.

    for those who where concerned,no visits from plod or men with with backward jacke:ts,or rednecks with baseball bats nor any from twats with Volvo.

    all you Jesus phoners,anyone remember MySpace,a.o.l or Compaq ? .

    it will be interesting to see what apple turn into by 2018-2020 what goes up CAN go back down

  39. LoCatus

    Smart move, but they weren't ready.

    Smart move on the part of Instagram. More users = More adds being seen = More $$$. Unfortunately they weren't ready for it. A large influx of additional users. Doesn't matter what platform these users are operating. Add a few thousand iOS users overnight and the results would have been the same.

    Probably a whole collection of folks over to Instagram right now ripping their hair out trying to get more servers put together and on-line to handle the load. They either didn't realize just how many Android using customers they would get, and/or how quickly they would join the service.

  40. Kabi
    Paris Hilton

    Pathetic fanbois

    Now I'm glad I have a photo camera to use and know how to. It's good that's their biggest problem in life!

  41. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    apple should be allowed to take over.

    all apple users should only be able to interact with apple web and services and should be impossible for apple devices to connect with the rest of the proper inter web thingy.

    the ultimate walled garden.

    if you buy an apple product you should be forced to live work and die in special walled areas cut of from all but essential services (charged at 10x outside price)

    inbreeding will soon solve the problem,lots of em already half way there.

  42. Brian Miller

    Crappy Polaroids on demand

    Edward Land would have been ashamed if his Polaroid product turned out fresh photos looking like that.

  43. Anonymous Hero

    I'd probably have ignored Instagram but...

    ...I just had to install it on my grubby old HTC Desire, if only to annoy and enrage the elitist twats even more.

  44. sisk

    So basically the iPhone owning users of Instagram are ticked that Android owners are now using Instagram. I know the stereotype of the elitist iPhone user is wrong, but you'd never guess that looking at this situation.

    1. Jeebus

      How can it be wrong when the evidence is clear as day?

      1. sisk

        I know around two dozen iPhone users, most of whom came to me for help getting their email set up on the things. Of those iPhone users, only two or three are what anyone would call 'elitist'. Aneccdotal though it may be, that's pretty clear evidence to me that the stereotype is wrong.

  45. diodesign Silver badge

    Everyone and anyone is welcome to drop us a line with a genuine Brit IT story.

  46. S2S

    Get a life

    Get a life!

  47. zanto


    It's one thing to bend over and offer your all to apple. but whining like this makes fanbois look even more stupid than before. And twatter language makes me feel like punching someone in the face.

  48. CmdrX3
    Thumb Up

    Thank guys

    If I had realised how much this would piss off iPhone users I would have got it before now. Now all I need to do in line up that pocketful of spare change I have, some bits of fluff hanging out he rear of my extractor fan and some kitty litter to photograph from various angles and I'm good to go. Then I'll be off to the shed to see what other completely useless crap is there and grab a little snapshot of it. Ahhhh... The lengths one has to go to in order to annoy others about something they need not be annoyed. Still, I have to grab whatever amusement I can for myself these days. All I need now is something that will bug the shit out of Droid users then I can get my sons iPhone into action.......... or am I just suffering from grumpy old man syndrome.

    1. sisk

      Re: Thank guys

      Grumpy old man? Nah, that sounds more trollish than grumpy old manish.

  49. Doug Glass


    What does that mean for one of The Sacred J's fanbabies? One hitting you with their shoulder bag? Or would it be a bag of marbles?

  50. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    iPhone users are just idiotic dilettantes.

  51. Haku

    I don't have a smartphone

    Is there a way I can piss off both the Android and Apple fans at the same time?

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Android and Apple fans at once

      I don't know about pissing them off at the same time, but if you want to make both Apple and Android fans roll with laughter, buy a Windows Phone and start bragging about how good it is. Just don't expect to ever be taken seriously again...

  52. parityerror

    *A* black berry user

    There's still one!

  53. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    So a few tweets from some IPhone users who had nothing better to do with their time implies that all Iphoners are enraged? This reads like a "reality" show script.............

  54. adam 31



  55. Grease Monkey Silver badge

    Simple answer fanbois: Leave.

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