How about
Launching a channel that doesn't have the sodding Olympics on it at all?
Sky is celebrating the London Olympics through two dozen new BBC channels, dedicated to live coverage of the event. Up to 24 HD and SD channels will run simultaneously during peak times, covering every sport during the games, the satellite broadcaster said today. These will be available through the Sky EPG, meaning those with …
"but this is the Olympics, it's two weeks every four years"
So, just like the Winter Olympics, the FIFA World Cup, and plenty of other glorified sports days. What makes these Olympics so bloody special?
That it's being paid for by British taxpayers this time around is just a smack in the gob in addition to the knee in the unmentionables. I wouldn't mind the Olympics if its own damned fans would bloody well pay for it too, instead of demanding it be paid for by people who are already having trouble making ends meet and who have precisely zero interest in watching a bunch of goons running in circles around a field, throwing spears, and jumping into sandpits in order to beat some high scores.
Also, it's not just "two weeks". It's FOUR weeks. Or have you conveniently forgotten the Paralympics?
That's a whole damned month of even worse public transport than usual. And Zil lanes. And Boris "Bloody Stupid" Johnson mugging at the cameras and claiming all the credit. (And probably screwing up the opening and closing ceremonies too.)
Even the so-called "Olympic legacy" is a farce. There's no reason whatsoever why that bit of Stratford couldn't have been regenerated without the mammoth additional expense of running a major world sporting event there first. It's an idiotic argument to claim that it would never have happened otherwise: yes it bleeding well would. Maybe not right now, but eventually.
The 2004 Olympics damned near bankrupted Greece. I, for one, hope the IOC collapses under the weight of its own hypocrisy and corruption before the next one. It'll do the entire planet a favour.
"Just go on holiday if you're really that bothered by it."
So, people who don't agree with you should f*ck off out of the country for a month? Nice.
"Mr Mosey said the BBC had agreed with Sky to show the live streams across 24 channels, with more announcements from other providers expected soon."
I suspect it just comes down to who has the capacity to take 24 new channels at short notice.
There is nothing wrong with a bit of righteous indignation, but in this case it is unjustified.
BBC streams are not encrypted, and these additional streams will be carried on Freesat.
BBC, Sky and Freesat have announced today that they've come to an agreement that will deliver the 24 channels to all Sky and Freesat homes. Sky will also pick up the costs of satellite distribution, irrespective of whether other platforms join in
So in fact the dirty digger will be paying for this for both Sky and Freesat customers.
Whilst on that subject.. Yes they are encrypted just for the pleasures of those lining Murdoch trousers...
Freesat! come on you have to nag these people all HD channels for ITV and the BBC, should not be just for the satellite elite!
ITV 1 HD recently switched to full DVB-S2 and now its unwatchable on my Grundig.. time for a new box :(
Sounds like it's up to Freesat, not Sky... from the BBC Olympics page...
"So we're pleased to announce today that's precisely what we're offering to a range of television platform operators - that they can use the BBC's 24 streams in standard or high definition to create additional television channels through the BBC red button and their Electronic Programme Guides.
We've had discussions with cable and satellite providers on a non-exclusive basis to see if they'd like to run BBC-branded Olympic channels that will massively extend choice for their viewers in addition to what we can offer ourselves online, via the BBC iPlayer or through connected TV services.
Many of those discussions are still continuing, but the BBC and Sky have announced today that they've come to an agreement that will deliver the 24 channels to all Sky homes. Sky will also pick up the costs of satellite distribution, irrespective of whether other platforms join in - though we hope and believe there'll be more announcements soon."
So, Sky are first, but not exclusive.