"1+1=5 because I want it to"
I go with the "getting-out-of-the-server-racket" line. After all, why go back into a bloody fight where you've had your butt handed to you on a plate twice before? Handheld and mobile devices is a much more open field, much more suited to ARM, and you can compete/dominate in tablets, phones and "lo-po" (low power) devices like desktop NAS and thin clients, all at a greater margin than trying to fight Intel.
Years a go I knew a design engineer who worked for Leyland in their truck division, he left to get a job with BMW. He was very amused when asked if this meant BMW were going to be making trucks - to him, it was a much better opportunity to go and design cars for them. There are a lot of people in the industry that seem quite desperate for ARM to be in servers, but they take any little bit of "evidence" - such as ex-server people going to work for an ARM vendor - as "proof" that it is happening, and they make a mountain out of a molehill.