Was a handy site to keep up with what was going on in the virus/rat world and for samples to test in a VM. A shame to see it go.
Ukrainian cops silence old-skool virus tinkerers' playground
Ukrainian cops have shut down a long-running malware exchange website frequented by old-school virus writers. A message on the front page of the VX Heavens website announces that the site has been forced to shut up shop after the plods seized its servers last Friday as part of a criminal investigation. According to the …
Thursday 29th March 2012 15:09 GMT Anonymous Coward
I used to go there regularly a year or two ago when I was collecting samples for academic purposes; no need to set up a honeypot and hope you can collect some oldschool malware, here it is, zipped and uploaded to a quiet corner of the net, along with dozens of oldschool vxer books.
I'm pretty disappointed to see this happen. These guys and the people who visited their site are not the Zeuz Banking Trojan guys, they're "writing a DOS worm in a VM is fun!" guys.