back to article Osborne+ and Schmidt+ say 'the internet' = 8.3 per cent of UK GDP

The UK's part-time Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne+ has again drawn attention to the Conservative leadership's cosy ties with the predatory American advertising giant Google. Yesterday, the Financial Times ran an op-ed piece jointly-bylined to Osborne+ and Google chairman Eric Schmidt+. It's highly unusual for a …


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  1. Code Monkey


    2012 and still no support for long file names? Pffft!

  2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Good news for the lorry drivers

    Since pretty much 100% of imports and exports end up on a lorry at some point, and all the stuff going around the middle is on a lorry - then lorry drivers must contribute something like 300% of GDP. And so should be in for a lot of treasury-love come budget time.

    1. John Styles

      Re: Good news for the lorry drivers

      Hence the government's panic at a potential drivers' strike, though I hear there are plans to get Google to deliver the petrol using TCP/IP (The Chocolate-factory people's incredible pump)

  3. dotdavid


    Surely it should be +George Osborne and +Eric Schmidt.

    Obviously you're not a Google+ user*...

    (* or "the" Google+ user, har har yes very good)

  4. andreas koch




    Last week we revealed that the IP review ordered by Prime Minister+ David Cameron+ was based on a fictional quote, attributed to Google, that nobody could find. Now we have fictional GDP calculations, made up for the Government by Google.



    now we know where the bovine fertiliser comes from.

    Does it help?


    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: So

      At least with this lot you only get pointless PR releases based on some imaginary info found on the internet - with the last lot you got wars

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    So Who's Runnig the Country?

    Better Check on Google.

    as the Condemnd have no idea...

  6. Tigra 07

    What it comes down to...

    Do you trust Google or the government more?

  7. Anonymous Coward

    "At least it's becoming clearer who's really in charge"

    That's rather disrespectful and, if I might say, just a little bit subversive.

    Keep it up.

  8. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    Clearly the government is operating absolutely normally.

    Move along - nothing to see here.

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