back to article Angry Birds Space flings 10 MILLION downloads in 3 days

The latest outing of Angry Birds - this time in spaaaace - has been downloaded 10 million times since it launched three days ago. The catapult-pinging galactic avian game was unveiled amid huge publicity on Friday. Rovio announced the expectation-smashing numbers on its Twitter feed this morning. Angry Birds Space, which …


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  1. Lallabalalla


    Pleased to say I wasn't one of them.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Baaa! and Baaa again....

      Not this time, refuse to put up with the ads.

    2. Annihilator
      Thumb Down

      Re: Baaa!

      Ah yes, because "popular" means "sheep". It couldn't be that it's a good game that a mere 10m people like, or think that it's great value for less than a quid... I suggest not telling anyone what you like, lest they agree with you, causing it to be popular and thus causing you to think it "uncool" in response.

      Here endeth the post with the obligatory "if you don't care, why are you reading and subsequently posting?"...

      1. Oninoshiko

        Re: Baaa!

        did he say he didn't care?

        maybe I need to get my perscription adjusted

      2. Anonymous Coward


        As to the question of him posting... considering that he won't be playing Angry Birds he has to fill up his time /somehow/ :-)

      3. Lallabalalla

        Re: Baaa!

        Why are you?

        Birds is so old now we are all (ie me, my kids, my kids friends, etc etc) bored of it . There's only so many thousand times you can do the same old thing and remain interested. But now there's AB mugs, AB TShirts, AB movies, AB cuddly toys, and the list goes on. Jeez - so *over* it already. They are seriously flogging the horse, it just ain't dead yet. Well, it is to me.

        1. Stuart Archer

          Re: Baaa!

          The 10 million sales figures seem to suggest that not everyone is bored of it. Like the previous posters have said, no one is forcing you to download it!

          1. Lallabalalla

            Re: Baaa!

            And guess what - I haven't. Sheesh! If I'd realised we were going to get into a flame war over some dumb game that even has 6 year olds saying "oh no not more Angry Birds" then I'd still have posted. Because I can, and because that is my opinion. Am I wrong? Am I? You're out of your element, Donny.

  2. David Neil

    Sales number?

    Free download innit (ad support) ?

  3. ZedThePirate



    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Books?

      Same reason no one plays the accordion any more... It's easier just to play.

      Does say rather a lot about the world we live in. On the bright side, I'd imagine that there are many more than three million who read on their phone. I'm one of them. Instapaper - wonderful

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I wonder how much rovio is PADDING numbers?

    Considering there's 1.75 million scores on iPhone gaming center for Angry Birds Space, and I don't think those are that much off real total iPhone sales numbers I wonder how much Rovio is padding download numbers.

    If there's 10 million downloads and 1.75mil of those on iPhone that leaves still 8.75 mil on other platforms (PC, OS X and Android), so, I'm rather sceptical about their numbers this time.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I wonder how much rovio is PADDING numbers?

      oops, 8,25mil..

    2. ThomH Silver badge

      Re: I wonder how much rovio is PADDING numbers?

      Per standard money gouging practice, the iPhone and iPad versions are different builds and therefore probably have different Game Centre entries. Assuming that's correct you're probably looking at between 2 and 3 million on the iOS side, possibly even more.

      It's also got a front-page banner and is number two in the charts on the Mac App Store, which probably makes for a sizeable part of another million or so.

      I'm going to guess that Android contributes about the same amount as the iOS ports or slightly more because there are a lot more Android phones than iPhones and the app is free, but on the other hand you've got the iPad and the iPod Touch working against the prima facie numerical advantage of the platform.

      That leaves a few million for the PC, which I find difficult to believe because of the limited distribution channels (they seem not to be in Steam, for example) but not hugely unlikely given that everything above is just a massive guess.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I wonder how much rovio is PADDING numbers?

        One could compare Came Center top scores from iPhone and iPad versions.

        I don't have iPad so can't do that all by myself but on iPhone there's 1 hacked score on

        1st with name of DarkGamingLord and then

        2nd Weeberry (7736480),

        3rd goav4 (7675180),

        4th yuriyigolkin (7669510) and

        5th antwan85 (7652085).

        If iPod have something similar gaming center uses same tables :)

  5. Richy Freeway
    Thumb Up

    You can buy it for 63p from Google Play with no adverts...

    1. M Gale


      The other gorillas.bas copies that Rovio do all have had major permissions creep, blamed on "the advertisers". Funny, since plenty of other app developers release ad-supported apps without asking for the moon on a stick.

      I just don't know if I trust Rovio NOT to creep the permission requirements up once they have a few captive^Wpaying customers. It's thanks to the actions of developers like this that I get more and more tempted to root my phone and install a selective permission blocker.

    2. David Gosnell

      Strangely, no notice taken of my requests to correct this in two articles on this game... Almost like someone's got an agenda to promote Android as advert plastered, but I'm no conspiracy theorist.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    They'd have had DOUBLE the sales if they'd released that Windows Phone 7.5 port

    When will they learn?

  7. DrXym

    I don't like it much

    The controls far too sensitive making it almost impossible to fine tune a launch. I found just lifting my finger off the screen was enough to throw the aim off and launch a bird the wrong way. I think if this were fixed I'd be more into the game than I am.

    At the moment I'm playing Where's my water? and enjoying it a lot.

    1. Andrew Moore

      Re: I don't like it much

      I found it quite easy. I downloaded it last Thursday and a day later I'd finished all levels at 3 stars each. Now the app's asking for another 99c to load in another stage.

      1. Michael Jennings

        Re: I don't like it much

        Those levels are free on a Samsung device, however.

    2. This post has been deleted by its author

      1. DrXym

        Re: I don't like it much

        I paid 20 cents for Where's my water on the android store and for that I have 100 odd levels. I don't think that's bad value. There is a separate Cranky mission pack but you don't have to buy it.

  8. IR


    I like the use of Lagrange points, but the way that gravity suddenly stops working at a certain distance is a bit too unscientific. I wonder if I can get a bird into a sustainable orbit...

    1. Sweaty Hambeast

      Re: Interesting

      > I wonder if I can get a bird into a sustainable orbit...

      I, for one, would pay good money to see that :-)

  9. Anonymous C0ward

    Completed it in one sitting.

  10. Alienrat

    Bit tired

    Got it, played a few levels, quit.

    Loved the original angry birds and various newer version, but this is for some reason just missing something. Not just the proper level completion music (although that is bad), but the pigs aren't smug enough, the birds aren't angry enough.

    Went back to the old one and tried it, and it still has it, so it isn't just too much of the same thing.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Prior art

    If the basic premise of the game holds true, (birds trying to get the pigs), then that means this is also:

    Pigs... in... spaaaaace!

    The Henson estate should sue for royalties.

  12. Michael Kean

    Reminds me of...

    ... playing Quake 1, and typing sv g=1 into the console to almost turn gravity off. You can then jump and touch the sky, lots of new ambushing places, but you could still accidentally float gently into a pit of lava.

  13. Martin Huizing
    Thumb Up

    Got it yesterday and played it on my Android fondleslap

    Smoothest playing game so far IMHO (free). If Rovio can get it right, why can't others?

  14. Mikel

    A lot of fun for little money

    Rovio isn't curing cancer here. They make fun little games, price them low and sell huge volume. Bought the HD version for tablets, and regular for phones. No regrets.

  15. Winkypop Silver badge

    It's a nice little distraction

    On my shiny new iPad 3

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