Didn't someone once say...
"I don't see why anybody would ever need more than seven petabytes of storage..."
Or, err, something like that...
This was the week when the Budget was released. George handed out some juicy tax breaks to game developers and the promise of sweet, speedy broadband to 10 UK cities. He also controversially lopped 5 per cent off the tax rate for top earners. Meanwhile, boffins were complaining that the floods that carried away the homes and …
apple is going to tax us, send us to war, jail us for smoking weed and crash the economy like our elected leaders have and still do today.
It's a pity i wanted to get some apple shares back when they were cheap so i can be wealthy today but someone convinced me to adhere to elReg's analysis and prediction and wage daily bashing against the naughty fruity dangerous animal called apple.
They are pretty dire. I was getting 700Kb/s on an "up to" 24 Mbit connection and after three years of the least accurate billing I've ever seen (to be fair I had moved and so they couldn't do much about how far from the exchange I was, but still), they wouldn't let me get a cheaper package, or even waive the fees for a termination of the contract.
So snooty letter mentioning the regulator and what do you know, two days later I'm refunded for a year, released without charge and a nice grovelly email from the CEO.
Basically they're bribing people not to complain, and in my case it worked. Yay!+
"Searches for his name, 'Bo Xilai', and the name of his son 'Zhou Yongkang' pulled up the following error message:"
thats wierd the way I read it the guy who thought about investigating BO senior thought it might not be healthy and ran to the US embassy. BO senior being a majopr Maoist throwback (and that guys sponsor) you got the tech bit right but totally FAILED on the news.
...and one 'strategic commentard" (me) said: "It would take a remarkable display of discipline [for KAE] to resist" moving into fortune telling & seances. The survey concludes that they would "massively disrupt" either industry she got involved in.
As Powney SHOULD have explaIned -
This uncommissioned spurious research tells us prospective customers (might) perceive a fit where at first glance we would assume our brand could not travel [on the grounds they've never heard of us] This makes us a truly dangerous animal to a startling array of sectors.,