Stupid Decision
Even MBAers who know HP's business will know that the printer business is completely different to the PC business. HP is one of the few companies who are experts in making printers and there is lots of expertise in inkjet printing, laserjet printing and all the software related to that. Think of anti-aliasing technologies and the like.
The PC business is a commodity operation - just collecting key components from AMD, Intel, Seagate, NVIDIA, Microsoft and so on and soldering them onto a board/installing on the HDD. There is only a miniscule space for innovation in PCs and no much difference between an HP PC and the competing kit from ASUS, Samsung and at least 100 more east asian vendors.
Mr Apotheker was right in his assessment that the PC business is of no value to HP, his only mistake was to talk about it in public instead of cutting a deal with somebody like Asus or Huawei and then forking over the business to them.
The "rationale" that eliminating VP posts would save a lot of money is pure BS. How much did mister Yoshi earn per year ? 5 million or 10 million ? That's irrelevant as compared to the billions in profit his business made during the last 10 years. But Ms Ebay has seen bad financials last year in printers, so she pulls a knee-yerk. FAIIIL.