Confused here...
Are these patents or registered designs? Does Hong Kong recognise (and define) something called a 'design patent'? Does anybody?
Apple has taken another small step towards protecting its intellectual property in China by successfully registering 11 design patents for the iPad display cases on show at its bricks and mortar retail stores, as well as the design for its Shanghai Apple Store. The Hong Kong Intellectual Property Office is reported to have …
"various combinations of Apple’s differently sized shiny hand-held toys"
Various combinations of Samsungs every size you can think of shiny hand held and pocket bursting toys.
Very poor writing El Reg, a clear attempt at flame baiting. How about some impartiality or are you really that desperate for page views?
Patent the "use of roads:streets etc. to access Apple stores". Then sue every other manufacturer with a direct outlet store for infringing the patent, if they happen to have any means for clients to access the store.
Hell, they may even get a few bent politicians to create a law allowing them to put toll booths on all roads containing Apple stores because it is everyones duty to pay to see these glorious works of art.
Wow, Phil, glad to see that you are on the side of the angels here ! Not a word, of course, about such concepts as «prior art» or «obviousness», but rather a convenientlyl nebulous conception of the meaning of the term «intellectual». Looking forward to see more of your «objective» reporting on China, about which you seem to be particularly well informed....