back to article Horny VIKING MICE raped and pillaged Euro pipsqueaks

Virile Norse mice rampaged through Scotland, Ireland and Iceland impregnating locals and mixing their Viking mouse genes in the native rodent populations, according to research published by the BMC Evolutionary Biology journal. Artist's impression of a Viking mouse in an ill-fitting helmet Boffins found that the spread of …


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  1. Audrey S. Thackeray

    Imagine the shame

    of being descended from the Vikings who stayed home with the children.


    1. Jess
      Thumb Up

      Re: Imagine the shame

      It always winds them up when you point this out.

    2. asdf

      Re: Imagine the shame

      The women usually didn't go on the raids did they?

      1. Hollerith 1

        Re: Imagine the shame

        I rather fancy the image of a sword-wielding young Viking virago!

        But women did go with settlers, as it's plain, in Greenland, that there was little fraternising with the locals.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Going out for a takeaway

          There's some fascinating genetic research that's been done in Iceland on the origins of the settlers. Looking at mitochondrial DNA passed down through females, it is clear that 80%+ of the male settlers were Scandinavians, but anything up to 60% of the women who accompanied them were of British and Irish extraction. The suggestion being that settler's left the fjords, found themselves a wife in Britain and Ireland and then went to Iceland. There's also a small, but significant genetic component amongst Icelanders which is today only found in North American Indians, suggesting that there was prolonged contact (ahem) between the two cultures.

          And from the article:

          It was possible that Vikings landed on the coast of Canada, but any human settlements there died out.

          The Vikings DID land on the coast of Canada, many times. There is a well preserved settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows on Newfoundland.

          1. asdf

            Re: Going out for a takeaway

            But Newfies are not true Canadians. They voted to join Canada to get out of their third world hick fishing poverty.

  2. Marvin the Martian

    Artist's impression?!

    Is it someone trying to do an impression of being a graphical artist, or was the illustration made by an actual artist (a flute or banjo virtuoso, maybe)?

    /Where's the interrobang button when you need it?

    1. Scott Broukell

      Re: Artist's impression?!

      ..... looks a hell of a lot more like a guinea pig to me any ways ?! (just saying).

    2. Steven Roper

      You looking for this ‽

      It's U+203D in Unicode... or, more easily, just go to the Interrobang page on Wikipedia and copypaste it from there like I did!

  3. Armando 123

    Rampaging Viking Mice

    I think I may have just decided what my next iOS game is!

  4. Anonymous Coward

    That's a Hamster!

    Why is this country so obsesed with Illegal Imigrants?

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: That's a Hamster!

      I bet they wanted to put a picture of a mouse up, but that could risk even more rampaging. And we have to think of the children, even if they are only mice ;-)

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      If it's immigrants you are after...

      ...then surely the phrase should be: "No! No! Is hamster!"

      (OK. So in Fawlty Towers it was a rat, not a mouse...)

  5. rtli-

    Of course, the real question is...

    ...why did the mice bring the Vikings along?

    1. Voland's right hand Silver badge

      Re: Of course, the real question is...

      If you are asking the question, you already know the answer: 42.

  6. Roger Kynaston
    Paris Hilton


    Looks more like a gerbil to me. Is it's tail furry?

    Paris because I am sure she would enjoy a norse mouse.

  7. Vulch

    One teensy problem

    The research involves looking at mitochondrial DNA which is only inherited down the female line, so it's actually Viking girlie mice rolling over and thinking of the fjords...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: One teensy problem

      So, some girlie mouse was already up the duff when she set off from Norway on a longship and then the female half of their offspring set about shagging the local male mouse population.

      So should this be more like "Scandinavian Slut Mice Do Northumberland" ?

      1. Steven Roper
        Thumb Up

        And so I see

        the ubiquitous Rule 34 is in force again!

  8. Heathroi

    and mice didn't have horns on helmets (or helmets for that matter, Oh a joke haha)

    1. Anonymous Coward

      How do you know?

      Have you ever /seen/ a mouse hemet?

  9. Gordon 10 Silver badge

    I bet

    All those slutty mice are squealers.

  10. Beau


    "All the plans of mice and men." Can be very successful indeed.

  11. Manta Bloke

    Mice only went with the Vikings to control them. They are the most intelligent creatures on earth.

    1. P. Lee
      Paris Hilton

      [Mice] are the most intelligent creatures on earth.

      Closely followed by dolphins. Humans come third.

      <--- actually, some.... oh never mind.

  12. asdf


    > It was possible that Vikings landed on the coast of Canada

    This has been proven unless you mean to say on the mainland of Canada. Still last I heard Newfoundland though hillbillys are considered Canada.

  13. Politely Skeptical

    and I thought Viking kittens were tough guys

    "We come from the land of the ice and snow..."

  14. Eddy Ito


    Are they still horny if the hat falls off?

  15. Gerry Doyle 1

    Genetic 'purity'?

    I'm sure you meant homogeneity.

  16. min

    when they left to come... these shores with their fornicating ways, did they leave with a (squeaky) chorus of: "So long and thanks for all the fleas (fish)?"

  17. Bradley Hardleigh-Hadderchance

    Has this got anything to do with...

    Rattus Norvegicus?

    Serious question.

    Never mind. Great album, nonetheless.

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