back to article US teens confess to 60-a-day texting FRENZY

A rise in boys and older teens texting has pushed the average number of text messages American youngsters send to 60 a day, ten more than in 2009. That means the average American teenager awake from 7am until 10pm sends a text every 15 minutes. The survey by Pew Research quizzed 799 UA teens aged between 12 and 17 about their …


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  1. Jeebus

    Everyone I know who send lots of text messages have serious problems communicating properly.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Oh, the irony


  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's an affliction

    ...and there is no known cure short of death.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. This post has been deleted by its author

  3. MahFL22


    My US wife even texts her sons in their bedrooms, rather than go knock on their doors, and no we don't live in a huge mansion.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Wife.

      Your US wife... How many others do you have? Maybe the house is too crowded to make good progress to the bedroom?

    2. ItsNotMe

      Re: Wife.

      Time to re-think the US wife thing? The girl really needs a serious talking in what she should be doing with her children.

    3. atippey
      Thumb Up

      Re: Wife.

      I wish my mom could've done that...rather than occasionally catch me beating off.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A friend of my brothers actually got accused of using her (yes, a female, shocked eh?) SIM in an automated message sender system due to the volume of texts she sends. Several hundred a day was the average!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      (yes, a female, shocked eh?)

      Jusy because you're a reg geek doesn't mean your brother is too :p


      How is this even possible?

      Do they not have something useful to do, like going to school or working for a living?

      What reason could they possibly have for needing to say so much?

  5. Notas Badoff
    Thumb Up

    The finger points...

    a thumbs up for hand orthopedics as a booming medical specialty.

  6. Ray 8


    Im waiting for the ambulance chasers sueing the phone manufacturers

  7. Kilurb

    More like 60 per hour.

    My co-worker's daughter Texted 24,091 times last month. While 100 per day may be average for a teen-aged girl, it's by no means indicative of what some teens do.

    1. Alan 6 Silver badge

      Re: More like 60 per hour.


      Assuming she was awake 24/7 that's approx one text every 2 minutes - when de she find time to eat?

      I hope she has an unlimited text tariff

      1. archengel46

        Re: More like 60 per hour.

        It's called mass texting... If she sends it to 10 people everytime she texts, then that brings it up to 1 text every 20 minutes?

        1. TakeTheSkyRoad

          Re: More like 60 per hour.

          Don't forget a long message could cover 5 parts so that's 5 text messages.

          Also smart phones with real or virtual qwerty keyboards make it easy to use full words and cheap deals mean there no need anymore to shortern ur txts

          1. Oninoshiko
            Thumb Up

            Re: More like 60 per hour.

            "Also smart phones with real or virtual qwerty keyboards make it easy to use full words and cheap deals mean there no need anymore to shortern ur txts"

            I rejoice! We only have part of a generation that thinks randomly dropping letters is acceptable in professional writing!

      2. Kilurb

        Re: More like 60 per hour.

        Actually, that counts incoming and outgoing. so it's about half that, minus 8 hours for sleep.

  8. Arctic fox

    All I can say is that if the following is true..............

    "That means the average American teenager awake from 7am until 10pm sends a text every 15 minutes."

    ...........then we need look no further for an explanation for why our cousins over the other side of the pond are so worried about their education system. In those circumstances how the fuck you would be able to concentrate on anything other than your shiney and your unbelievably important social interactions when you are at junior/senior high (allegedly getting an education) is beyond me. If, of course, these stats are anything other than complete and utter spherical objects.

    1. ItsNotMe

      Re: All I can say is that if the following is true..............

      Not to carries right through to University here as well.

      I am an IT Admin for a major East coast University...and the little charmers regularly LEAVE THE CLASSROOM during class, to communicate with their playmates. And Mummy & Daddy are paying a pretty penny for them to be IN the classrooms.

      And then there are the throngs who stumble around campus with their heads down, feverishly tapping away on their phones. completely oblivious to their surroundings, walking into people as they go. What a bunch of Dullards the world is producing.

    2. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

      Re: All I can say is that if the following is true..............

      > then we need look no further for an explanation for why our cousins over the other side of the

      > pond are so worried about their education system

      Or we *could* look further, if we're, y'know, interested in actually learning anything about the situation, rather than just guessing based on our prejudices.

      It's just possible that there have been substantial, methodologically-sound studies done on the effects of texting in the classroom, and that they've found that there's little evidence it detracts from the learning process. But why should we listen to actual researchers when we have random Internet posters offering their wisdom?

      Broadly speaking, students today do far more writing than those of any other generation in history. And preliminary research suggests that about the same proportion as always care about, and are capable of, writing well (in all the various senses of that phrase). What's changed is how much text is produced by those not in that group; in the past, those people typically didn't write much, so their poor writing wasn't nearly as noticeable.

      All things considered, this is as good a time to be teaching writing as any other period in history. It can be argued quite plausibly that it's better.

  9. ganymede io device

    "teenager awake from 7am"

    That's a sample size of zero not 799.

    Unless that includes when they were clubbing all night

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What a disgrace

    These are the same folks who walk out in front of cars while texting because they are immersed in stupidity.

    1. DJ Smiley

      Re: What a disgrace

      Yup, the 40+ year old woman my wife nearly ran down due to her walking out in front of the car at a busy junction is definately within that age range.

      Lets be honest - teenagers have grown up with this tech and if they've survived to 14-18 age range, they going to be aware of how to "look for cars" while crossing the road. Its the older generation who can't cope with doing the 10 things at once (Hense this report! :D )

      1. ItsNotMe

        @DJ Smiley...Bull Crap.

        The little shits are now texting WHILE DRIVING...and I personally have nearly been run off the road several times recently by some idiot child texting at 80 MPH.

        Just because they " have grown up with this tech", doesn't mean they are any better at knowing how to use it RESPONSIBLY.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What a disgrace

        Stupidity has no age limitations.

  11. Anonymous Coward

    What I want to know is

    what are they discussing? I mean if they spend all this time texting, then all I can see them saying is : "I JST TXTD K8-LOLZ" as opposed to "I just had a sit down and think about the General Theory of Relativity. It really is quite something to contemplate. Oh yes, LOLZ!"

  12. anti-addick

    60 a day, is that all?

    One of my daughters (14) complained that she was being charged for her 'unlimited' texts from O2. When I investigated 'unlimited' meant 3500 per month - enough you'd think. No, she smashes that inside 2 weeks and not by mass texting to the tune of 7500 per month.

    ....we've since had words......

    1. Franklin

      Re: 60 a day, is that all?

      "....we've since had words....."

      Words with your daughter over the text volume, or words with O2 over their marketing-speak of "unlimited" that actually means "limited"?

    2. Oninoshiko

      Re: 60 a day, is that all?

      Agreed with the other commenter.

      She has every right to be pissed. They said she had unlimited texts, why should she have to limit herself? I'd be chewing them a new asshole.

      What part of "unlimited" don't you understand?

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    To borrow from a Dmitri Martin bit,,,

    I wonder what was the most intelligent thing ever said that was sent by sms .' 'Dude, these are isotopes.' 'Dude, we removed your kidney. You're gonna be fine.' 'Dude, I am so stoked to win this Nobel Prize. I just wanna thank Kevin, and Turtle, and all my homies.'

  14. Captain DaFt

    Has anyone hear considered that part of the problem just might be that modern smartphones are absolute crap at making... phone calls?

    I'm a bit older than the teen demographic surveyed, but I find it much easier to text than talk to people over the damn things!

  15. Anonymous Coward


    ...that text messaging, the cash cow savior of the mobile operators, will be their undoing. Delivering short text messages over the interweb (it's really just a series of pipes, y'know) will collapse their revenue overnight. It's already here in iMessage on iOS for example.

    The phone call is dead. The only thing of value that carriers have left is the phone number and a nice trove of usage data. Time to move on.

  16. ahayes


    The amount of data the average teen is using per month is 252KB, that's almost as much data as a 30 second phone conversation!!! Holy crap!!! We need to keep this data usage under control or our networks will get SUPER OVER CONGESTED!!!!

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's amazing...

    ...these yoof can find enough time to text with their heads up their arse's all the time.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It's amazing...

      My arse does not have an all the time.

  18. Dan Paul
    Thumb Down

    Cell phones and "social networking" will be the death of Humanity as we know it

    My career is designing and selling DDC Control systems, most often to schools and colleges.

    I regularly see tables of students sitting together texting each other (and the rest of the world).

    They are not speaking although they are within inches of each other and not even looking at one another (or anything but the damn phone).

    Don't they understand that they cannot have decent sex while texting? That you're digits have other uses than tapping on a keyboard? That you have to see the sparkle in her eyes to know for sure if she is "The One" so you have to look at the opposite sex on occaision (at least).

    If this crap does not stop, humanity will become hunched over, half blind, flipper handed, deaf, & dumb troglodytes. Oh wait, it already has.

    1. Franklin
      Thumb Up

      Re: Cell phones and "social networking" will be the death of Humanity as we know it

      "Don't they understand that they cannot have decent sex while texting?"

      You obviously haven't sexted with the right people. It'll never replace the real thing, natch, but that doesn't mean it can't be decent.

      Or, ahem, so I've heard.

      1. stanimir

        Re: Cell phones and "social networking" will be the death of Humanity as we know it

        Franklin, your expectations seems way too high.

  19. Anonymous Coward

    I am having a beer...

    ...and you guys are talking about stupid teen behavior. I have to say I am winning here. Whatever this game is....

  20. Boris S.

    And they don't understand

    How bad is THAT?

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