How far in speech can I go without getting a warrant on me in every country?
If this is true, heads need to roll. Every programmer and exec involved who didn't fight this internally deserves to be sued into a corner so black-hole dense s/he will make him/herself unborn and not come back for 5,000 years.
This is why I don't give responses to the birthday apps and all those damned facebook games. I reject even relatives, because they are being stupid and not considering that putting my details in some fracking 3rd party app is an act that deprives me of my right to selectively say, "NO".
Facebook and all the others KNOW and calculate their decisions to create these data dragnets.
And, governments that are data savvy know it too, and that is why so far they are mute on this. Social sites are the Data Hoovers the governments themselves claim they are not allowed to be, and though there are rules, laws, and constructs, these companies operate in flagrant impunity.
If their buildings implode or get ransacked by human hands, or collapsed by quakes, floods, or hurrinados, I will clap for every person whose data was vacuumed by surreptitious means.
Privacy is supposed to mean privacy, not a la cart access.
Maybe someone should start passing out small cards warning kids not to grow up data-dumb, and to be data-privacy-concerned.