What kind of div would stand in the rain...
...oh wait, an El Reg photographer!
Braying hordes of fanbois hungry for new iPads failed to turn up outside Blighty's Apple stores today despite months of rumour, hype and speculation. Although slab shoppers were nonchalant in London, they were positively wet in Scotland. A queue of hundreds swiftly ebbed away outside the fruity tech titan's Regent Street …
Have you never realised people who more money than you could possibly have _more_ sense than you?
The Reg hasn't covered it so no one is to know but the guy at the front is brain damaged. He does amazing things considering his disability and he was queueing with the help of his friends and family.
This post has been deleted by its author
for the barriers - must have had local council/police OK - obstruction of the pavement is an offence.
PS - the look of those Apple staff doesn't fill me with confidence in their skills. I did say "look" though. does anyone know any good questions to see if the staff are up to speed (or to wind them up?)
Apple probably paid for the barriers, this is normal with a 'sales' like event.
Westminster Council are very fussy about the pavement being blocked, especially across the road in Soho where they will impose the most draconian measures and threaten to shut the business down, whereas their contractors can get away with blue murder.
"Apple Store staff outnumber queues". Well, of course!
Just how many queues do you need? Do you really need more than one queue?
Anyway, from what I could tell from the photos, even if there would have been more than one queue, the store staff would STILL have outnumbered the queuees.
Unless you count empty queues.
Doesn't "staff" cover all the employees?
In which case, there would be an equal number of queues and staff.
Unless the purchasers get out of hand and start forming queues in different places. Is there a One True Till in an Apple shop, or are their many paths to Purchase?
I suppose one or more of the staff could have brought a staff into the shop, but that might mean they meant to go to a WoW convention. It does seem unlikely though - would you bring the Staff of Weirdness [+2 Clapping] to work? Oh wait...
I'm not sure what happens if the staff have a staff infection.
It's time to get my coat.
The terms seems to get some peoples backs up. But when they turn up to buy the item 4 days before it's released I think all of the mocking is appropriate.
The lack of normal stupidity is a good sign, perhaps people have finally realised that queuing at midnight to buy the next, slightly updated version of what you already have is a complete mugs game.
Nah doubt people learned "that queuing at midnight to buy the next, slightly updated version of what you already have is a complete mugs game."
I think its more along the lines of Steve Jobs being dead. Without anyone doing huge press reviews, while wearing a black turtle neck to look different, telling them it was the newest most revolutionary device ever made that would make their life complete they obviously didn't queue up.
"or ordered from John Lewis to take advantage of the 2 year warranty instead of the usual 1 year warranty."
The European Directive 1999/44/EC says all EU countries have to ensure a retailer can be held liable for all "non-conformities" which manifest within two years from delivery, and the Sale Of Goods Act should cover faults in the goods themselves (for the thick end of the six years given the premium status and price associated with Apple). The John Lewis route would most likely be the more convenient route however, but not the only one.
They can, but under the Sale of Goods Act the responsibility is on the consumer to prove the "non conformity" after 6 months of ownership in the event of the retailer not cooperating. A two year "no questions" warrant is more than just "likely" to be more convenient than paying an independent expert to prove the fault and then attempting to recoup that from the retailer.
"A two year "no questions" warrant is more than just "likely" to be more convenient than paying an independent expert to prove the fault and then attempting to recoup that from the retailer."
Of course - "in the event of the retailer not cooperating" as you say - but the 'likely' was taking into account those retailers for which this would not be an issue, as well as those that would. My own experience with taking goods back to high street retailers for faulty goods outside of the usual one year warranty has so far been very good (although perhaps not a huge sample size) - which suggests that some of them, at least, tend to understand the intent of the law - and/or the potential issues of nick-picking the letter of it.
I'm not knocking the extra convenience of John Lewis' warranty - it's something I use when judging purchases myself, even if it's not (in reality) a 'no questions' one - I was merely try to highlight certain rights for those that might not be 100% aware.
I'd rather give my iMac to the cretins on Jeremy Kyle to repair.
A girl I met at an apple store a few months ago had brought in her iMac as John Lewis had sent the thing back worse than what it was sent in. Covered in gunk, issue not fixed and a chipped stand.
Must admit to being completely amazed - I expected hordes of braying fanbois (and gurlz) to be taking up entire blocks of pavement, all a-twitter about how they're queueing for a V3 via their V2 tablets with their V1 as a backup in case the battery died.
But no. It's like some kind of crazy outbreak of common sense or something.
Maybe everyone mail-ordered this time round? Perhaps bosses got wise and wouldn't allow any annual leave on a launch day to improve their own chances!
One of our execs has just returned his iPad2 to the service desk with a massive dent in the side and unresponsive controls.
Funnily enough his iPad1 screen mysteriously shattered on the launch day of the iPad2.
I'm pleased his bad luck won't mean a long queue for whichever wonk has to head over to Apple's shop with a corporate credit card.
"At least Samsung won't shoot themselves in the foot again slagging off potential customers by ridiculing them for queueing."
They're just jealous - I would imagine Samsung customers are not allowed to queue for fear of infringing Apples patent on 'A System And Method Of Managing Customer Units Intending To Purchase A Superfluous Mobile Electronic Device In Any Of A Plurality Of Weather Conditions'.
they weren't ridiculing them for queuing per-se, they were ridiculing them for queuing because of Apple hype..
"How will people know it's a 4s, it looks the same as the old one" should have been the clue that it's not about the product it'self, it's about what people THINK of you owning one...
To the down voter..."Boo Hoo" thats the way it is, sorry! Everyone does it, not just 'cause you own a device that's deemed fisher-price thick and looks so out of date, but also 'cause of the way you look, the colour of your skin, your "fashion", your footy team.....etc......Pick one!
Get over it. Be seen with one, be labeled (usually thick tw t).
LTE in the iPad3 is not compatible with European LTE, so even if Orange do launch soon, it's not going to ever work on your iPad3...
Ouch, that's gotta hurt, makes you look a little fucking stupid I would guess. Still I don't expect your barista friends will know what LTE or 4G is, and you can always pretend it's an iPad2...
'Then one boy cried out "The Emperor has no clothes on, and the crowd gasped, then one by one they all cried "The Emperor has no clothes on" and they laughed at how foolish they had been'
Nothing wrong with Apple technology (but I wouldn't use it because of the Apple's absolute control of content business model) but maybe people are waking up to the fact the the refresh of an existing product is nothing to get all excited about.
"'Then one boy cried out "The Emperor has no clothes on, and the crowd gasped, then one by one they all cried "The Emperor has no clothes on" and they laughed at how foolish they had been'"
This, from the country that not only worships "reality TV", but played a rather large part in making that genre such a staple of Western entertainment today?
Also, say what you will about Apple, but at least they're up front about their aim: to make a profit. They don't "accidentally" steal your personal data while claiming to be doing "no evil" either.
Mainly out of surprise, thought I would wait until April and the rush had died down. Then walked past Albion an Apple Reseller on the Strand who had them in stock and no queue. So choice was buy one with no fuss, or walk into Covent Garden and join the Queue, which was 4000+ I was told, easy decision.
Strange Apple said they were doing a lot to get the product out unlike previous launches and now we criticise them because there aren't queues and lots of people are actually getting them. Lets see what the sales numbers look like as I don't think anyone thinks this is a flop launch. As a product its a big improvement for displaying photo's which is my main reason for the iPad, which the 2 didn't massively improve.
I haven't read any comment in here so far criticising Apple for not having queues. Mostly, people are criticising the people who line up in these queues, and a few wondering if a little bit of common sense is starting to prevail.
So no need to get your knickers in a bunch - nobody's slagging your beloved iPad
I am!
And to justify your purchase clearly highlights the inner shame burning inside you.
And rightly so, ......purchased for displaying photos..... yeah right! Not clever enough to purchase a digital photo frame, or are you’re going to continue justifying your stupidity with more nonsense reasons as to why a photo frame isn’t sufficient........ PLEASE!
Fine, I'll give you one reason: show us the "photo frame" that has a 2048 x 1536 pixel resolution display with excellent viewing angles. And which can also double as a general-purpose tablet.
Thought not.
You are certainly entitled to your opinions, but we are not obliged in any way to either respect them, or their source.
After all, you're the one who persists in trolling comment threads on Apple-related stories. At least those queuing Apple customers are outside, not sitting in their mother's basement having a smug sneer, while crying inside over your lack of social skills.
If this sort of this is what your entire life has come to, I pity you. Maybe you have Aspergers. Maybe you're just a dickhead. Either way, you're a sorry advert for whichever "cause" you think you're on.
Popped into John Lewis @10am - they had 2 tills set up specifically for iPads. No queue but both tills continuously had punters. 16gb 4g white had already run out. Rest were physically stacked behind the tills 50 odd I reckon. Did the deed for mine and walked out.
Wandered past the reading Apple store 10 mins later no queues about 1/2 the crowd you would expect on a Sat. About 1 punter every 2-3 mins leaving with an iPad.
The staff were cheering them out **shudder**
"The staff were cheering them out"
There's a reason for not buying from an Apple store.
Or having bought one, walking back in and asking for your money back because they made themselves (and you by association) look a burke.
Or walking back in and smacking one of them. "Honestly, officer, I thought they were taking the piss..."
1) Barry Shitpeas with a red comment icon (usually FAIL)
2) No queues at the iPad launch.
When there were huge queues for the iPad2 El Reg et al berated Apple for not having enough staff/stock/foresight.
Now they get their act together El Reg et al berate them for being over prepared.
Don't know about the other poster, but I haven't queued in a super market since they started doing online ordering with home delivery. There again, even when I used to go into super markets it tended to be very late evening in order to avoid most of the mouth breathers and their squealing brats, with the bonus of rarely having to queue at the tills.
I live just round the corner from mine (supermarket - and it's *that* one unfortunately) so it's not cost effective to have home delivery. Even going in the evening there are much less staff (if any) manning the tills than there used to be with always a queue at the self service checkout. I also don't tust the staff to properly pick fruit/veg.
Wrote : -
"I haven't queued in a super market since they started doing online ordering with home delivery"
Tried that.
The fruit and vegetables you get are the inferior ones that customers on-the-spot would leave.
If you chose something that is on offer and they [claim to] have run out of that line, they substitute an "equivalent" that will be dearer, and maybe one you simply don't prefer.
Then they can simply cock-up the order. Once I got six big cabbages which I certainly did not order - I hate cabbage.
> The fruit and vegetables you get are the inferior ones that customers on-the-spot would leave.
This is what the Distance Selling Regulations are for.
If you don't like what they deliver - you ring up and complain. They refund those items.
They are technically entitled to send the van back round to collect them - but they haven't done that to me yet.
> If you chose something that is on offer and they [claim to] have
> run out of that line, they substitute an "equivalent"
You can tell them to send no substitutes. But if you haven't - you can reject them on delivery.
> Then they can simply cock-up the order. Once I got six big
> cabbages which I certainly did not order - I hate cabbage.
Ring up. Complain. Get a refund.
I had a problem with Sainsbury's for a while - they changed their policy such that anything that was in-date when delivered was considered acceptable - even if it would be out-of-date within a couple of hours. I got lots of refunds. I suspect a lot of other people did too, because that policy didn't last very long...
... that The New iPad doesn't seem to have as many people desperate for one as the Raspberry Pi :-)
I think if I was going to buy one (which I'm not, not interested in any tablet) I'd probably just buy the discounted iPad 2.
Surprisingly I haven't seen any updated from my Apple owning friends about buying the new iPad either, and they always buy the latest Apple stuff when it comes out.
"One bloke, who had waited for five hours from 3am for the doors to open, decided to hang around the shop for a while afterwards rather than race home with his new slab. He hadn't tried his iPad yet, adding: "No, no, first I'll go home, relax and then I'll take it out." "
What? You sat about in the cold since 3am, for what? To socialise with the staff? Can't you get any real friends of your own (don't answer that)? There are going to be people who arrived at 9am who are going to have used the thing before you!
The dictionary definition of sad has just got a new example.
For the sake of decency, El Reg edited his response. In full it reads:
"No, no, I only get the chance to feel this urge once in a while, so I plan on delaying gratification. First I'll go home, relax and then I'll take it out, stroke it for a while, before rinsing it under a tap and putting it away till next year."
He is sad for queing since 3am, but maybe he hung around because he does not get to see inside a store like thet very often, so wanted to look at their other stuff.
I tend to browse around tech stores (Maplin, Jessops, PC World - not that I'd buy from PC World) to see what new kit is around. I even browsed round an Apple store once - I'd never buy their stuff but wanted to see what the hype was about.
As for possibly opening a box in the store - what sort of idiot does that? Maybe dropping guarantee cards, instructions and little accessory bits all over the floor. I open all my buys at home, and carefully keep the packaging too, in case I need to return under guarantee
Apparently if you say "I'm a really creative barista who got his first" it adds "yes dude, you're cool, and you've proved it by sitting in the rain for four days. All those people who just walked by while you were sitting there, looking at you like you were a pointless geeky currant, and aren't lucky enough, like you are, to have "gotten" an underpowered, connectiveless toy with a slightly better screen than the last equally constraining great pisstake of the fashion victim; well they're just so envious it takes your new screen to show them in the right shade of green. They really should get a life shouldn't they, going out with their friends and meeting people, and not queuing. I mean, they really should find out what life is for, the tw@ts."
Thousands of people around the world are stupid for waiting in line/ordering and waiting/walking in and buying the latest Apple product.
Only the sages who spend their time hanging out on The Register have any wisdom about anything.
They have a saying in Scotland that goes, "Everybody's out of step except our John." For the wise ones on the Register it means John's an idiot.
There were only about 20 lined up across the street from my office in the morning. Long gone now, I could walk over now and buy one if I was willing to pay that much for a toy. The iPad 2 was much longer but they still didn't sell out.
I can see lining up if your favourite band in in town one night only. But for a gadget? Even if they do sell out they will get more a few days. Even better wait a week and see if any kinks appear when people start using them.
...needs to get a life.
He seems to spend it queuing for the release of new products.
He seems to have no problems with his autism when he's camping out in public for days at a time, being snapped by the media and giving comments.
Also, LOL at the thumbs up (or sideways).
Shame that Asus device has a personality disorder and has one major flaw... And-floppy-droid is installed on it. It needs a keyboard + mega battery to get it going past it's 3 hour battery life without it.
Love to see the anti-Apple elite have been out to play over the last few days. I know you'll go back under your rock, ever tweak your Android devices with countless unreliable custom ROMs and be happy you have control over an unreliable device.
Down mark me all you want. Every single one plastered on this post gives me an every bigger grin that I'm happy to keep using my original iPad. Oh, and another thing. I love El-Reg's jokey journalism, but does not one forget not every iPad requires an upgrade anymore and the 3rd gen will keep rolling over all the competition with new customers regardless of the queue outburst we normally see on launch day? I'd be more worried if the ridiculous queues appeared again. Proves the iPad line is a durable one and as long as my original iPad is still functional, I will keep abusing it.
*sigh* I know it wasn't very funny, but could you not see the irony in using the word elite? Fandroids should put their tools down at the end of work rather than using their elite knowledge to battle fathomable devices. I know they use that to boast their supposedly pre-acclaimed superiority for owning an android device. I personally don't wanna have to fight with Windows/Android on the way home/at home because I have exclusive control over it.
Anyway, Apple have already said they had a record weekend so any fandroid theorists can calm down and get back to their complicated gadgets =).
Well I'm far from being a fanboi but I found myself in Regent street yesterday and decided to get one.
Two things struck me, both making the whole experience pretty painful. Firstly, they had a ticket and queuing system in place but none of the staff could tell me where the queue was. There were no signs, nothing. One member of staff told me to go upstairs, someone else told me to go straight back down again. Geez. This was nearing 5pm and they were acting like they'd not sold a single ipad that day.
Secondly, the chirpy, cheeky and over familiar behaviour of the salesman that sold me the unit. Sorry. I don't know you, I don't want to be treated like a child and no, we are not on first name terms. Just give the ipad, take my payment and send me on my way.
Had the same experience at the same shop when replacing my iPhone. Although I had pre-booked a slot with a genius earlier in the day, I still had queue up in a ridiculous fashion around the glass lift once a staff member at least attempted to organise an ever increasing crowd.
Shame the Apple store experience has been forgotten about a little since the popularisation of the iPhone, iPad and iPod.
I'd ignore the queues or lack of - they sell them much more widely these days (supermarkets, other retailers, mobile phone companies). I wanted the new iPad but not the queue - so ordered it online as I expect most people have. I know about 10 people with iPads - some of which had queued in the past to get it on the first day - this time they ordered online.
So wait for the actual sales figures to be released before 'guessing'.
"problem is, the screen is a Samsung screen, so it's likely the graded panels not good enough for the raft of forthcoming Android tablets with similar or better screen res, like the far superior Asus Infinity 700..."
Yeah right - Apple dumped Sharp to go to Samsung - most likely Apple get the best panels and other devices would get the rejects. Otherwise Samsung must have a huge reject rate as Apple are likely to outsell the Asus Anything-You-Like about 20:1.
"Either Apple have got their supply and distribution in order after the debacle of the iPhone 4S, or purchasers have realised that it's basically the same thing as before with a few upgrades and haven't whipped themselves into a frenzy..."
What more / exactly were you expecting - let me guess pop out legs and arms and it transforms into a car - then clicks into a base unit and hoovers your house then makes dinner?
I recon a faster CPU, 4x the screen resolution, a better camera, bigger battery are all pretty good - and all for the same price as the previous model.