back to article Rogue IPO bureaucrats feel MPs' red-hot probe

A powerful all-party group of MPs will examine how IP policy is made in the UK in a new formal enquiry – firing a tranquilliser dart at executive agency the Intellectual Property Office. John Whittingdale, chairman of the Select Committee on Culture Media and Sport, will lead the group, with Pete Wishart vice-chairing, under …


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  1. Mystic Megabyte

    Cameron, did you enjoy your trip to Babylon ?

    I the undersigned, whilst I have one foot on British soil, hereby give all rights to any invention or creative work to UK Plc.

    Signed: A Citizen (except when the USA wants to extradite me)

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Cameron, did you enjoy your trip to Babylon ?

      It has been a bit tense, waiting to see what orders Cameron returns with from his handlers.

  2. johnwerneken


    Ballocks to the Register, to the Parliamentary Committee, to IP (aka Copy Wrong) in General, to the idea that Content Companies as opposed to content creators deserve a DIME, and to APPPLE the evilest of the Seven Sinners in particular. The only VALUE OF ANY KIND EVER CREATED BY APPLE OR ANYBODY AT APPLE ARE TWO THINGS: Apple's stock price, and its second cause (the first being Apple's Jobsian Monopolistic Conduct): being first mover with the i-Pod type device.

    fyi the Seven Deadly Sinners, each of who make the list for intolerable totalitarian behavior when riding high, are IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Adobe, Google, Facebook, and Apple - listed more or less in chronological behavior and roughly in chronological order of their just claim to be or at one time to have been the very worst Sinner in Human History who was not at the same time a Head of State. And of Heads of State, only a VERY FEW like Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and Pol Pot exceed the LEAST of the seven in deadliness; there may be only those four heads of state; afaik it’s only those four...

    1. Andrew Orlowski (Written by Reg staff)

      Re: Mr

      Thank you.

      You're very persuasive!

    2. El Presidente

      Re: Mr

      Can I suggest that the site admin sets johnwerneken 's post to 00CC00 ?

    3. elsonroa

      Re: Mr

      I think you forgot to mention the bit about the Time Cube. No good Internet rant is complete without it.

    4. Tom Maddox Silver badge

      Re: Mr

      Quite right. Why, I remember my time in the gulags of Mountain View like it was yesterday: being force-fed energy drinks until my bladder ached and my eyes watered, geeks with neck-beards shrieking at me to "Kiss the penguin," and Sergei Brin himself screaming "BOOM! HEADSHOT!" at me endlessly and dipping his hideous, misshapen scrotum onto my forehead.

      No, wait, none of that ever happened.

      Get a grip, or at least a sense of perspective.

  3. MonkeyBot

    Their respective fortunes...

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the differing incomes of Google and Apple may be a result of a little more than just their respective attitudes to IP.

  4. Turtle


    "One economic sector that does benefit from taking creators' rights out of markets are advertising-supported American web companies"

    So! You know!

    (I still do not quite understand why the UK and Canada - or somewhat more accurately but still too restrictively - their government and policy-making bureaucracies - want to expropriate their content-creators for the benefit of these American advertising companies.)

  5. Gizzit101

    Hold on... I totally misinterpreting this, or have big media just successfully derailed implementation of the Hargreaves review?

    Hargreaves, and Gove before him, recommended (amongst other things) limited exception, to allow personal format-shifting. How much longer will people be technically criminals for ripping their own media for personal use?

    At least 7 years this nonsense has been perpetuated to the benefit of companies who appear to be attempting to bilk the consumer repeatedly for the same content, over and over again.

    It would be more honest if they just admitted that they want us to own nothing, rent everything and pay and pay and pay.

    1. Andrew Orlowski (Written by Reg staff)

      Re: Hold on...

      Ah yes, the famous Gove Review.

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