Take, my money...takeeeee it.
Can I donate twice? How about thrice? Here's my wallet...just leave me my ID and driver's permit!
This is the only hope of getting a decent RPG made by competent designers.
At the moment you have the choices of: real-time-with-pause Bioware...shitty pseudo-shooters Bethesda and horribly, unpolished crap like Elemental and Disciples.
Hope they keep it turn-based. Fuck those console-wankers that want everything real time like ritalin-addicted, crack rats. The last decent RPG I played was the Temple of Elemental Evil by Troika (after the Circle of Eight patch, of course). Everything else has been a click-fest worthy of Diablo (which isn't a bad game series but RPGs they are not).
Go Go Go! Wuv you a wot Mr. Fargo!