back to article Gamers pledge almost a million dollars for Wasteland sequel

Gamers have rallied behind plans to bring back classic post-apocalyptic RPG Wasteland in one of the most eagerly anticipated sequels to date. Wasteland, released in 1988, was the inspiration for the Fallout series. Both games spearheaded by Interplay founder and famed games developer Brian Fargo. Wasteland Fargo is also set …


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  1. Gordon 10 Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Loving Kickstarter

    There are some great requests on there.

    Company called Adonit have used it for all their iPad accessories - which are all a cut above the usual OEM'd chinese muck and the mainstream accessory makers such as logitech.

    More power to Wasteland (although its not a game I ever played)

  2. Greg J Preece

    Damn, and I just sent money to Schafer! Will have to wait for my next paycheque, then Fargo can definitely have some. Hopefully I can get there in time for a signed copy. Replaying Fallout 1 at the moment and it's still brilliant.

  3. Fred Mbogo


    Take, my money...takeeeee it.

    Can I donate twice? How about thrice? Here's my wallet...just leave me my ID and driver's permit!

    This is the only hope of getting a decent RPG made by competent designers.

    At the moment you have the choices of: real-time-with-pause Bioware...shitty pseudo-shooters Bethesda and horribly, unpolished crap like Elemental and Disciples.

    Hope they keep it turn-based. Fuck those console-wankers that want everything real time like ritalin-addicted, crack rats. The last decent RPG I played was the Temple of Elemental Evil by Troika (after the Circle of Eight patch, of course). Everything else has been a click-fest worthy of Diablo (which isn't a bad game series but RPGs they are not).

    Go Go Go! Wuv you a wot Mr. Fargo!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Thumb Up


      "Fuck those console-wankers that want everything real time like ritalin-addicted, crack rats."

      Could not have put it better myself.

      Here, have an up-vote.

    2. Ru

      I feel you do realtime a disservice.

      Hell, even first person isn't that bad (I give you Eye of the Beholder and Deus Ex as examples I enjoyed). The real problem is the utter dearth of creativity in the focus-group'n'committee big budget franchise game industry on one hand, and small, quick, simple, cheap mobile games on the other.

      Not much call for interesting RPGs in either camp, these days. Exactly how novel and groundbreaking is Skyrim compared to, say, Beneath a Steel Sky?

      I'd happily play a console-only, first person, real time RPG if it was interesting! Chances of that happening is pretty slim. Lets hope a new fan-funded wasteland will do the job instead.

    3. Alex C


      Did Circle of Eight complete their patch and make it playable???

      yay - that's me down a rabbit warren for a while :)

  4. mark 63 Silver badge
    Thumb Up


    I didnt know the "fans pledging money in advance" concept had ever succeeded.

    This' kickstarter' could be the way to finally get 'Firefly' resurected!

    1. Citizen Kaned

      Re: Kickstarter

      Best series that got canned in recent hitory. we still watch it occasionally but have to rely on Castle for our nathan fillion fix these days.

    2. Asgard
      Thumb Up

      Re: Kickstarter


      I was thinking the same thing (and you got an up vote for your post) :)

      It could help fund a lot of scifi shows, as there is huge fan support for scifi, but little or no support from companies like Syfy.

      Unfortunately too many of the corporate companies look down on scifi, but its hugely popular with the fans so it makes perfect sense to crowd fund them and throw out the corporations messing up the shows.

      1. Kevin 6

        Re: Re: Kickstarter

        "It could help fund a lot of scifi shows, as there is huge fan support for scifi, but little or no support from companies like Syfy."

        Honestly I stopped watching SyFy when they became what seemed like the WWE/ghosthunter channel seeing every time I turned that crap station on its either Ghost hunters or WWE. Do miss the actual science fiction shows they used to air that were canceled for the 2 previously mentioned piles of festering crap.

    3. Oninoshiko

      Re: Kickstarter

      Doublefine Studios raised over 3m to make a classic adventure game.

      They wanted 400k.

      sucessful? you decide.

  5. DrXym

    Go the minecraft route

    If there is such demand for an RPG, release an alpha program and reward early adopters with a lower price and rack up the price as more content is created and it gets closer to finished form

    1. Captain Scarlet

      Re: Go the minecraft route

      It worked for Minecraft, although I remember being told ZOMG brilliant game buy now and when I did I was like wtf, its Lego and was very annoyed.

      Over a year later my "House" or massive super duper castle is about half way done.

      Seeing as people remember the old game the same might happen (Except for the ZOMG its Lego statement).

      P.s other building block based products are available from your nearest toy shop.

      1. David Eddleman

        Re: Go the minecraft route

        Also the same way for Mount&Blade, which is an utterly brilliant game that has some of the best mounted combat I've ever seen. Early versions were alpha & beta, with low or no prices, and those who pre-ordered earlier on had lower prices on the end product. Also all of the essentially free beta testing.

    2. DrXym

      Re: Go the minecraft route

      I've never seen the attraction of Minecraft either. I like building games but I don't see the point of a game which is as crudely rendered as Minecraft is. That said there is no doubt it proved a wildly successful model for getting funding and developing the game.

      An RPG would be a tricky proposition but I guess if the engine and maybe some content creators were given out early adopters that it would prove popular, especially if people could share their content or there was some sort of reward for best content such as including it in the game.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I will redo the Hobbit and Valhallalala

    If you can send me 2 million quid, I'll try t knock something up.

    Send momey to

    King Me


  7. Haku

    Caleb, did you completely miss the Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter?

    It broke new records by reaching over $3.3 million in pledges.

    I backed it and am quite looking forward to watching the ongoing making-of documentary and the eventual game. Especially because the guys behind it are the guys behind Day Of The Tentacle, Grim Fandango and The Secret Of Monkey Island. And you can only take so many FPS and driving games til you need a decent puzzle to get lost in.

  8. Andrew Baines Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Good to hear

    Anything other than another 3rd person shooter,

    1. Haku

      Re: Good to hear

      Especially after EA went and pissed all over Syndicate by turning it into a FPS.

      With a Wasteland sequel and a new point'n'click adventure game by Double Fine both being funded by kickstarters it's a welcome return to the game style I grew up playing & loving (argh, that's making me feel old).

  9. Pypes

    My only disapointment

    Is that we didn't manage to fund this within the first 24 hours.

    Never has a bigger fuck you been articulated towards EA and Activision than tens-of-thousands of gamers proudly throwing their money at the promise of a game free from the interference of them and their ilk.

  10. Alex C
    Thumb Up

    Love kickstarter - and thanks for the article.

    Hopefully this and the Double fine project will turn out excellent games - certainly both teams have a history of it. I've been very happy to support both because even if they're not as splendid as perhaps we'd like they'll have given the publishing world a jolt. I wonder if it'll be a big enough jolt to start making something other than bloody first person shooters.

    Hell we may even get Wizardry 9 or Arcanum 2 if this trend continues.

  11. Greg J Preece

    My Kickstarter Idea!

    Don't worry, not a spam post. I say we start a Kickstarter account to buy back Criterion and Bioware from EA. If even a tenth of the gamers who play their games pledge a half-decent amount of money, we could do it, and reduce the influence of Evil Arseholes.

  12. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge


    Maybe I'll be able to finish the sequel.

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