back to article Death Star SUCKS PLASMA FROM SUN in NASA riddle vid

Keen-eyed skywatchers have spotted a mysterious object emerging from the Sun that, according to the tinfoil-hatted YouTube majority, can only be a UFO, a small black hole, a world-destroying weapon or maybe a new planet. Images show a shadowy spherical object apparently tethered to home world's star by a dark string. After …


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  1. stucs201

    Obviously not a refueling spaceship

    Looks nothing like a Cobra Mk III.

    (or any other snake derived ship)

    1. Quantum Leaper

      Re: Obviously not a refueling spaceship

      Sorry, it nothing special, just a coronal filament, very common.

      It is explained here...

    2. Field Marshal Von Krakenfart

      Re: Obviously not a refueling spaceship

      Or Rama...

      1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

        Re: Obviously not a refueling spaceship

        Buggritt - I was going to try the Rama angle.

        Hmm, thinking about it we need a third commentard to do the same

        1. Graham Marsden
          Thumb Up

          Re: Obviously not a refueling spaceship

          And, to the best of my knowledge, Disaster Area aren't playing in this solar system...

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "alien ship fuelling up on solar plasma"

    As any fule kno (or at least any fule who played Elite) skimming suns is a simple way of refuelling without the inconvenience of having to dock at a space station where you are considered to be a probably criminal! Only disadvantage was if you are too greedy they you fry!

    1. frank ly

      Re: "alien ship fuelling up on solar plasma"

      ",,, probably criminal! "

      Admit it; you'd done at least five assasinations. (They were exciting, we do understand.)

  3. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

    Everybody run

    It's an anomaly!

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Emerging from Sun?

    Not quite right for Elite style refueling. However the behaviour and appearance sort of fit a langston field equipped ship, though the alderson point shouldn't be inside the star except for a red giant.

    1. geekclick
      Thumb Up

      Re: Emerging from Sun?

      WOW i am not the only person to have read The Moat in Gods Eye after all!

      1. Greg J Preece

        Re: Emerging from Sun?

        Nope, but you are the only person to mis-spell "Mote".


        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Mote/Moat

          You're missing out on a nice pun if you don't appreciate the difference in the type of mote/moat:

          The Mote in God's Eye

          The Moat Around Murcheson's Eye

  5. taxman

    Train approaching?

    I was taught you could always see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Apparently not when it's attached to the Sun?

    Clever buggers these astrowosits bods!

    1. Cameron Colley

      Re: Train approaching?

      The sun is the only black body in the solar system after all.

  6. Parax

    Important Question

    But Is it a Fully Operational Coronal Cavity?

  7. silentsniper
    Big Brother

    Typical Men In Black cover-up.

  8. TeeCee Gold badge


    "...prominence eruptions occur when the overlying magnetic field that contains the prominence material is disrupted,"

    You mean like when an alien spaceship refuels from it?

  9. Stanislaw

    Intelligent, but inexperienced...

    ... you have to think in three dimensions.

    1. Graham Dawson

      Re: Intelligent, but inexperienced...

      From hell's heart I stab at thee!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Intelligent, but inexperienced...

        I loved that quote so much I went and read 'Moby Dick' soon after.

  10. work_david

    I for one ......

    welcome our Death Star dwelling, plasma sucking Overlords!

  11. NozeDive

    Georgio Tsukalos

    Did somebody say... ancient aliens?

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Images do NOT "show a shadowy spherical object "


    Idiotic UFO cranks hallucinating again. There's some kind of tornado-like vortex in the plasma clouds at the edge of the sun, and above it there's a bowl-like eversion in the clouds, just a gap where they've probably been pulled out of shape by the vortex. Anyone who thinks they can see a UFO clearly can't tell the difference between there being a solid object somewhere and there not being a solid object there.

    1. work_david

      Re: Images do NOT "show a shadowy spherical object "

      Obviously being that close to the sun is interfering with their cloaking device which is why you can see the stars through it!

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Images do NOT "show a shadowy spherical object "

      Never mind the fact that that object would be bigger than Jupiter

      1. Stoneshop

        "bigger than Jupiter"

        And this would be out of the question, exactly how?

        Look, if I were to go space truckin', I'd take a vehicle that can take a lot of plasma, for those long stretches of icy void between the stars. Which again means you need a fair bit of insulation around the tank, and a bit of shielding for the times you fill up by skimming one of those stars you visit. Add it all up, and you'll find that a big planet (Jupiter-sized, possibly, but with a solid crust to live in, like the earth) could well fit the bill.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Images do NOT "show a shadowy spherical object "


      Erm, unlikely. You do know that's the Sun, right? You're as bad as the idiotic UFO cranks.

    4. Field Marshal Von Krakenfart

      Re: Images do NOT "show a shadowy spherical object "


      No, No! That's the cloaking device doing that, see.... proof that it's an ailen spaceship.

    5. frank ly

      My God; it's full of stars!

      You're not seeing through it, you're looking into it.

    6. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Images do NOT "show a shadowy spherical object "

      My god...

      it's full of stars

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Dust/scratch on the lens anyone? Micro-meteor strike could cause it too. Hell, it could just be a void caused by magnetic lines. Why does it have to be such a big deal?

    1. Aaron Em

      Fuckin' magnets,

      how do they work? Don't tell me ask a scientist.

      1. xyz Silver badge

        Re: Fuckin' magnets,

        I always corner physists at parties and bend their ears over that one. You can turn them into gibbering wrecks in about 10 minutes as they run out of explanations

  14. NukEvil

    Future Microsoft EULA



    These license terms are an agreement between Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you reside, one of its affiliates) and you. Please read them. They apply to the star named above, which includes the corona on which you depend for life, light, and heat, if any. Printed-paper license terms, which may come with the star, may replace or modify any on-screen license terms. The terms also apply to any Microsoft

    · refueling,

    · supplements,

    · solar/planetary usage, and

    · support services

    for this star, unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those terms apply.

    By using the star, you accept these terms. If you do not accept them, do not use the star. Instead, return it to the creator for a refund or credit. If you cannot obtain a refund there, contact Microsoft or the Microsoft affiliate serving your galactic region for information about Microsoft’s refund policies. See In the United States and Canada, call (800) MICROSOFT or see

    Blah blah blather blah blah"

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Future Microsoft EULA

      Hello, what the fuck are you on about?

    2. Nick 10

      Re: Future Microsoft EULA

      Surely that should be the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation, rather than Microsoft?

      If you have any complaints, go stick your head in a pig!

  15. Hooksie

    Keen-eyed skywatchers have spotted a mysterious object emerging from the Sun

    Really? They are not "keen-eyed" they are, in fact, delusional. This is the solar equivalent of someone seeing a cloud that looks like a bus and so ElReg dutifully publishes an article saying "Flying bus spotted". Optical illusion caused by our miniscule brain's inability to perceive the world in any way other than what it can cobble together. Nothing is as it seems, but this is even less than nothing.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Doesn't Apple own the patent for refueling using plasma from the sun?

    1. Dave Oldham


      That would be Oracle.

      1. Steve Evans

        Re: Nope


        Here, please take your coat.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Of course they would say it was a coronal cavity, they are being paid off by big pharma!

  18. 0laf Silver badge

    British Government sends in HMRC to collect unpaid extra terrestrial fuel duty. At 80p a litre that's going to add up.

    1. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

      And if they do not pay, they will be clamped?

      Look out for big yellow triangular thingies (technical term) in space.

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: And if they do not pay, they will be clamped?

        "Look out for big yellow triangular thingies (technical term) in space."

        The Vogon Constructor Fleet are moonlighting as clampers now?

      2. deshepherd

        Re: And if they do not pay, they will be clamped?

        "Look out for big yellow triangular thingies (technical term) in space"

        Why, are HMRC collecting taxes in Ningis now ... maybe if they get enough to start converting them into Triganic Pus then maybe we can clear the deficit!

  19. Semaj

    Mantrid Drones

    Ever see Lexx when the Mantrid Drones eat that star?

  20. SpeakerToAliens

    Don't worry, it's just Rama refuelling.

    ... And on far-off Earth, Dr. Carlisle Perera had as yet told no one how he had wakened from a restless sleep with the message from his subconscious still echoing in his brain: The Ramans do everything in threes.

    -- Rendezvous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke.

    1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

      Re: Don't worry, it's just Rama refuelling.

      Ah! we have our third

  21. AceRimmer1980

    <sf bandwagon>

    “The Culture craft was hiding in the surface layers of the system sun,” Xoralundra said bitterly, more to himself than to Horza.

    'In the sun?' Horza was incredulous. He looked back at the cell door, as though somehow it was Balveda’s fault. “Those bastards are getting smarter all the time."

    'Consider Phlebas', Sun-Earther Iain El-Bonko Banks of North Queensferry

  22. FredScummer

    Tut, Tut, Tut....

    You silly earth dwellers, who are living in the cosmic equivalent of cavemen....

    I suppose we should award you some brownie points to have advanced to the stage where you can view the outline of our mothership. But you make two significant mistakes in your analysis.

    Firstly, our mothership isn't at the same distance between you and the Sun, it's about halfway between, and just so happens on this visit to be on this side of the Sun - often we park up on the far side, where you'd never see us.

    Secondly, we aren't sucking energy or anything else from your Sun. We are in fact emptying our starfleet garbage system. After all, you earth dwellers figured out long ago that an incinerator plant is a good way of disposing of unwanted waste, and like all good space dwellers we try to keep the environment clean for everyone. If we were bad neighbours we'd be dumping our loo system on earth as we passed by, but you'd probably not respect us for doing something like that - our operatives make use of the cosmic equivalents of vindaloo curry topped up with large volumes of Tiger lager, but unlike some earth dwellers we don't puke it up on the high street.

    We'd love to come and say hello but sadly now isn't the right time. Your stupid indoctrination systems where the gods you invented seem to preach that destroying the lives of non-believers in your own religions means you haven't reached the plateau of respecting your own kind yet. You will, but it won't be for a while.

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    ive no tin foil left will mylar sheeting work

    They are after our livers, run run run to the caves. They will suck out our livers from our anus's. god bless america

  24. wheel

    But seriously...

    Am I the only one worried that the NASA scientist in the second video doesn't seem to know the difference between 'spherical' and 'circular'?

    1. Quantum Leaper

      Re: But seriously...

      Spherical is 3D and circular is 2D, now can you tell me how you can tell from a 2D picture, which is which? Every time I look at the big blue marble (earth) it looks like a circle but we all know it a spherical.

      1. Van

        Re: But seriously...

        Posting from, ISS?

      2. Stanislaw

        Re: But seriously...

        Tut. Confusing circles with discs again. Extra geometry for you this week.

  25. Vance P. Frickey

    Any race that can survive the near periphery of the Sun...

    ...probably doesn't need to siphon "fuel" from its surface. Sometimes a black circle is just a black circle (although " 'mouth' of a large 'tunnel' " is more plausible than any of the fanboy hypotheses advanced outside NASA).

  26. I think so I am?

    Its a time traveller

    using the suns gravitation to dalek space time!!

  27. dereklh

    Obviously, it's a sperm, didn't you see the tail?


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