Re: business a bit slow between theories I suppose.
Thin Skin Much?
Yes, TBBT plays on stereotypes. The anal-retentive ubergeek, the engineer who lives with his mother*, the nerd who's too shy to talk to women*... these are Geek stereotypes, and as such have som not-insignifficant basis in truth.
On the flip-side, this is a show about geeks, *in the starring roles*; not as the scrawny kid who gets picked on that the star defends, showing that he is a good person. They are not the geeks that turn sour and become a villain, nor is it the portrayal of a geek that learns to shed their geekdom for popularity and "success". In short, this is the most positive portrayal of geeks in mainstream media I have ever seen.
And yes, we geeks do enjoy our comic books and sci-fi.
*I'm not gonna touch the other stereotypes in those