back to article Megaupload boss: Site popular among US government users

The boss of the recently shut-down Megaupload file-sharing site claims that his records show plenty of US government users, including members of the Senate and the Department of Justice. "Guess what – we found a large number of Mega accounts from US Government officials including the Department of Justice and the US Senate," …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "His main concern now is making sure users of the site get their data back, Dotcom told the blog."

    Snort! he owes me a new keyboard.

    1. John G Imrie

      Re: "His main concern now is making sure users of the site get their data back"

      I think your comment is supposed to convey that Mr Dotcom has no altruistic motive for returning users data back to them and so his statement is therefor false.

      But the statement may still be true especially if you consider the purely selfish grounds that it makes him look good and the 'evil US authorities' look bad for 'illegally seizing users data'

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "His main concern now is making sure users of the site get their data back"

        The key word is 'main'. I suspect his main concern is avoiding the potential one way trip to the Land of the Free.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    New Zealand.. BOFH story here..

    Oh, sure, the BOFH is an ex-university admin from Waikato University working in the UK.. but this has all the elements.. a bastard operator, a list of usernames, and New Zealand, all mixed into one!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: New Zealand.. BOFH story here..

      Actually Simon still works for Waikato University.....

      Anonymous because I live not too far from there.

      1. perlcat

        Re: New Zealand.. BOFH story here..

        Afraid to give out your logon ID much?

        Wonder why?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Naughty Senators,

    "I have that Megaupload account for research!"

    "I have that Pr0nhub account for research!"

    "Look I swear that 12 year old boy in a gimp suit snorting coke is just for research!"

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      This is going to be hilarious.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I did not...

      have sexual relations with that account...

  4. Christian Berger

    Wouldn't be the first time he cooperated

    I'm sure selling off those user data to law enforcement was part of his "Plan B".

  5. DZ-Jay

    Oh, Kimble!

    I had almost forgotten you!

    It's comforting to know that his bullshit stories and ostentatious display of apparent wealth have not changed one bit.

    At least there's one constant in this Universe. Go, Kimble--er, Mr. Dotcom--show us your cars, houses, and chicks; and tell us again how much of a bad ass hacker you are.


    1. Pisnaz

      Re: Oh, Kimble!

      Oh wow, thank you. I finally made the connection. I recall his flash promo stuff and BMW with computers back when he was just Kimble. He came across as a tool then, seems not to of changed much with the name either.

      1. Richard Wharram
        Thumb Up

        Re: Oh, Kimble!

        Yes. I wish the downvoters round here would remember that whatever the rights and wrongs of this extradition case, Kimble is still the biggest cunt on the internet.


    2. DZ-Jay

      Re: Oh, Kimble!

      What's with the downvotes?

      I'm not excusing the extradition or discussing the merits of the case. It's just that some of us remember back when Mr. Dotcom, known then as Kimble, used to be a self-promoting prick, boasting of his hacking prowess and setting up fly-by-night shell companies designed to take money from unsuspecting and gullible punters.

      He hasn't changed a bit (perhaps he got fatter?), though it appears that he finally hit paydirt for real with Megauploads--at least for a while.


      1. Richard Wharram

        Re: Oh, Kimble!

        I got the same when I posted about what a twat he is the other week. It's as though that automatically meant that I was a huge fan of the RIAA and MPAA and am probably ACS:Law in disguise

  6. Knoydart
    Black Helicopters

    Have to love the line "portly potentate of megaupload"

  7. Tom Maddox Silver badge

    What to do

    If only there were some large island nearby that had historically been used to exile criminals, perhaps Mr. Dotcom could be sent there for life and the US could be spared the effort of extradition.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What to do

      Hey, We don't want him!

      - Resident of the former convict island

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What to do

      The Isle of Man?

      1. CmdrX3

        Re: What to do

        How could you be so inhuman. I know Kim's a cunt, but steady on..... the Isle of Man. I don't care what he's done, no one deserves that.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Go ahead and name names

    Anyone using the site for illegal purposes is open to prosecution be they government employees of Bill Gates.

    1. Mephistro

      Re: Go ahead and name names (@AC 13th March 2012 00:00 GMT Anonymous Coward )

      " they government employees of Bill Gates."

      A Freudian slip?

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    El Reg Article Is Drudgereport Main Headline

    Kudos El Reg!

  10. brodave
    Thumb Down

    Entertainment products are a ripoff

    The true crime here is the collusion between the Obama White House and the Hollywood/Entertainment fat cats.

    Vote for anyone other than Obama this November.

    Boycott all of the overpriced entertainment products from the Hollywood/Entertainment industry.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Entertainment products are a ripoff

      Yeah, like the other candidates don't collude (even more) with big-business. Get a grip.

      It looks like you are looking for the least corrupt candidate. Good luck.

      1. Richard Wharram

        Re: Entertainment products are a ripoff

        Of course Romney will be all for the little guy won't he. Never been a big business guy him has he?

        Oh, wait.

        Nevermind, let's have Santorum. Then you won't even care about getting free TV shows and music because you'll be worrying that you might get nailed to a tree for blasphemy instead.


        1. Armando 123

          Re: Entertainment products are a ripoff

          The more I look at the two major parties, the more libertarian I become.

          Mine's the one with Hayek's "Road to Serfdom" in the pocket.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Bama is a charlatan

    Bama my be a criminal but that has nothing to do with copyright laws. Hating the RIAA/MPAA is not going to change copyright law. If you want a product or service then you pay for it like everyone else or you go without.

    I think the price of gasoline is too high but I don't steal it. I think cable TV is too expensive but I don't steal it. I think Internet access and telephone rates are too high, but I don't steal those digital services.

    While I fully agree that Bama should be voted out or impeached sooner, that has nothing to do with copyright holders enforcing their copyrights.

  12. David Hicks

    The guy seems like an arse

    But at least he is an arse through and through, no pretension. Look at ma guns, cars, houses and babes! Unlike politicos, who hide the fact that they are enormous buttholes for as long as possible.

    Exposing a bit of hypocrisy from those in power would be an awesome way to utilise your arsehole powers Mr Dotcom!

    Also, clearly he's doing something right to have made all that money...

  13. TkH11

    he *is* an arse

    HIs biggest enemy is himself as evidenced by his surname. His life seems to be littered with misdemeanours. Honesty is not in this guy's blood.

  14. anon9045839452
    Thumb Up

    Excellent PR

    The Public relations of this incident is outstanding! Good Job Kim Dotcom (lol)

  15. nematoad Silver badge


    "it does seem that Dotcom is willing to name names when his case comes the trial."

    Do you know something we don't?

    I think that a little thing called "due process" has to be gone through before he has to name names?

    He probably will be extradited but don't you think that you should give the New Zealand courts a chance to make up their minds first?

    1. David Hicks

      Wrong end of the stick?

      It's not that he has to name names, it's that he's threatening to, as part of his defence.

      Which he should, IMHO, as it would be funny to watch the cockroaches scurry out of the light when it turns out many of those that are pushing the laws he's facing have actually used his service.

      I don't say this because I support piracy, I say this because I support exposing hypocrisy.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Wrong end of the stick?

        "...I don't say this because I support copyright infringement, I say this because I support exposing hypocrisy...

        Fixed it for you [but upvoted anyway]

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hmm...

      >>I think that a little thing called "due process" has to be gone through before he has to name names?

      Nope. He could easily "let slip" to newspapers, or his lawyers could see to it for him. As to "due process", where's his due process? He might be a d-ckw-d but that doesn't give the US rights to engineer his arrest on foreign soil.

      "[...]don't you think that you should give the New Zealand courts a chance to make up their minds first?"

      Um, yeah so far they're arrested a peaceful resident on the say-so of the 'merkins. They've seized assets on the 'merkins behalf. Why on earth wouldn't they bend down again while the US penis enters their collected anal cavities?

  16. opaque


    This means nothing. Using the system isn't the problem, it's what the company did that is illegal.

    Even if individual users were breaking the law using Megaupload that is NOT the same as the Dept of Justice etc using it. That they are/were allowed to use such systems on government systems is a more interesting issue. Normally that sort of thing is massively clamped down on and blocked, just like torrenting or any p2p system.

    1. Gav

      Re: Pah

      Indeed. There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding at work here.

      If these "US Government officials" were using Megaupload to share recordings of public committee meetings, PDFs of publicly available legislation, or NASA photos, there is no case for them to answer, nothing to fear, and Dotcom, as usual, is all hot air and bullshit.

      Using a service legally, and subsequently discovering that other users were breaking the law, is not illegal. Maybe a bit embarrassing, but nothing the courts are going to care about.

      Additionally, does no one care that Dotcom is happy to trawl through his users' personal details and threaten to make public the ones he doesn't like the look of?

      1. Oninoshiko

        Re: Pah

        I thin \k you miss the point.

        Even if that's all they are using it for, it's a solid defence. We call that "subastanal non-infringing use." Of all, Sony knows about that better then anyone.

        In addition, with all the clams that there is NO use which is justified comming out of washington and that Mr. Dotcom is a evil pirate hellbent on destroying the entertainment industry (rather then an ex-con who has served his time, and a bit of a twat (not a crime, last I looked)) it will be fun to watch the squirming and doublespeak out of whoever he names.

  17. Jeff Wojciechowski
    Thumb Up


    As an avid reader of both El Reg and Drudge, congratulations on getting a story linked from Drudge!!! IT angle? much did your bandwidth usage go up after the link was posted? :D

  18. kain preacher

    I was reading up on it. The reason why they claimed they went after mega load is this . Copyright holders would complain about infringement . Mega upload would only remove the unique url but not the infringing material . The person that put it there was free to generate a new URL and keep on sharing it .

    1. JakeyC

      Why do you have a space before and after your full stops? ('Periods' for you crazy Merkins) .

      1. perlcat

        otto korreks

        Bet poster's using a mobe, and when selecting the word that it finds based upon the first few characters, gets a following space character that should be deleted before adding the period.

        My mobe does that, but I remove the space, because it's annoying as hell .

        1. kain preacher

          Re: otto korreks

          You are correct. Verizon updated my Android and certain settings were reset.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        Pedant 'merkin hater is still a pedant.

  19. Tony Paulazzo

    Why was MegaUpload really shut down?

    MegaBox was going to be an alternative music store that was entirely cloud-based and offered artists a better money-making opportunity than they would get with any record label.

    "UMG knows that we are going to compete with them via our own music venture called, a site that will soon allow artists to sell their creations directly to consumers while allowing artists to keep 90 percent of earnings," MegaUpload founder Kim 'Dotcom' Schmitz told Torrentfreak

    Not only did they plan on allowing artists to keep 90% of their earnings on songs that they sold, they wanted to pay them for songs they let users download for free.

    "We have a solution called the Megakey that will allow artists to earn income from users who download music for free," Dotcom outlined. "Yes that's right, we will pay artists even for free downloads. The Megakey business model has been tested with over a million users and it works."

    Why was Hollywood created:

    Over a century ago Thomas Edison got the patent for a device which would "do for the eye what the phonograph does for the ear". He called it the Kinetoscope. He was not only amongst the first to record video, he was also the first person to own the copyright to a motion picture.

    Because of Edisons patents for the motion pictures it was close to financially impossible to create motion pictures in the North american east coast. The movie studios therefor relocated to California, and founded what we today call Hollywood. The reason was mostly because there was no patent.

    There was also no copyright to speak of, so the studios could copy old stories and make movies out of them - like Fantasia, one of Disneys biggest hits ever.

    1. DZ-Jay

      Megaupload, Megabox, Megakey...

      I guess "Mega" is the new "Kim."

      Is he going to change his name to Megable now? LOL!

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ...the names and IPs of the Gov't users, would make interesting reading.

    Justice Dept also love their TOR, and we all know what that's commonly used for don't we..

    1. Crisp

      Re: Release...

      Bypassing the company web filter?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Release...

      ..yes we do...privacy.

      Judging by your comment, we can all guess what YOU would use TOR for though.

      Anonymous Cowards...we all know what THEY are don't we....

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Says the Anonymous Coward! Words fail me.


        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Ever heard of sarcasm

          Thought not.

          The original poster who implied all TOR users were pervs, was ANON. I was making a point that the same argument could be made against ANON posters - as SARCASM.

          Moron indeed.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Release...

        Do tell me, oh insightful `anonymous` one.... what do I use TOR for? CP? Is that what you're getting at? Cute...

        Why are you so protective of US DoJ workers then eh?

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Naming names?

    Even just threatening to name names. That's not going to endear him to existing users.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Endearing himself?

      Not possible. They are going to try and f*ck him as hard as they can. He has nothing to lose. He may as well sh*t all over them first.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Naming names?

      Hell I'm not even a user and I'm changing my opinion (to more positive) of him as I write this.

  22. Doug Glass

    Name names

    Name 'em brother! Do it now! We need to clean house in the US govern-ment and this is as good a start as any.

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    He really is a MegaLoad

    This guy is quite a piece of work.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: He really is a MegaLoad

      Made more of his life than you ever have, I'd wager.

      1. Turtle

        Missing the point - and the real danger.

        "Made more of his life than you ever have, I'd wager."

        And if he spends 30 years in prison for what he "made of his life", what would your opinion be then?

        Lots of posters here don't seem to understand that the real problem he faces is the money-laundering charges: he can be put away for decades on that, even if the money was legitimately and legally earned. Those charges stand by themselves. And if he's not terrified, then he is even more stupid than he seems.

        1. Mad Mike
          Thumb Down

          Re: Missing the point - and the real danger.

          "And if he spends 30 years in prison for what he "made of his life", what would your opinion be then?

          Lots of posters here don't seem to understand that the real problem he faces is the money-laundering charges: he can be put away for decades on that, even if the money was legitimately and legally earned. Those charges stand by themselves. And if he's not terrified, then he is even more stupid than he seems."

          Errrr. Call me confused, but money laundering is the process of concealing illegally obtained money or money obtained through crime. So, if the money has been legitimately or legally earned, how can you be guilty of money laundering? Or, is this another case of idiot Americans not knowing how to speak english, spell english, or even have the same meaning on words and phrases?

          1. kain preacher

            Re: Missing the point - and the real danger.

            Mad Mike what makes you think he is an American as oppose to some who is not in the US and does not understand US law ? As long as the money had been legally earned and declared it's not money laundry. Now what they can do and I think is evil, is take all of his assets and make him prove it was earned legally .

            1. Turtle

              Re: Missing the point - and the real danger.

              No, actually I *have* made a mistake there: as pointed out by several posters, money-laundering actually does only apply to illegally-gotten income. I seem to recall that there are actions similar to money-laundering but involving legally-obtained money that are also subject to severe criminal sanction, but I can not seem to find them at the moment. (Possible I was confusing it with crimes involving the use of fraudulent trusts and tax-shelters, but possibly not.)

              Thanks for the correction! (Although, nevertheless, the money-laundering charges are still the most serious charges he faces, by far.)

  24. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Trash Day

    Good, let's clean some of the trash that infects the government. Anyone claiming "I did it for research" will have corroboration. No one does this "independently". Then it's off tp jail for Kim Com, or whatever he calls himself.

    BTW, that's a nice house he has. It seems a little hypocritical that no one here (or Occupy) objects.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Trash Day

      >>BTW, that's a nice house he has. It seems a little hypocritical that no one here (or Occupy) objects.

      I fail to see the link between his house and the fact that the US are not only guilty at a government level of doing what they accuse him of, but also are imposing their laws on a foreign nation.

  25. Armando 123

    Not in the least surprised

    When I was a US government contractor, the contractors worried about licensing, paying for things, etc. The civil servants thought it would be okay just to grab stuff without paying for it.

    The idea of PAYING for something worth paying for was a foreign concept to them. Oddly enough, the military seemed to get this more than ... other government institutions. You wouldn't think the military as being the best observer of private property or property rights among the bureaucracy, but there y'are.

    1. GilbertFilbert

      Re: Not in the least surprised

      "When I was a US government contractor, the contractors worried about licensing, paying for things, etc." ...

      then billing the government, what, 3* or 10* the price? Gotta milk the cash cow.

      1. kain preacher

        Re: Not in the least surprised

        Only certain vendors on big projects. Other wise they pay you what they think is fair. Then there is the 90-270 payment schedule. Small contractors have gone under waiting to be paid.

      2. Armando 123

        Re: Not in the least surprised

        No, we would be told to install certain software, then we'd ask for licensing info, etc, and the civil servants would tell us, in a deniable-in-court-way, that the government shouldn't have to pay for software.

        This was in DC, where the entitlement attitude is admittedly quite high.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Not in the least surprised

      >>Oddly enough, the military seemed to get this more than ... other government institutions

      Oh I don't think that's odd at all. You need to know about property ownership when you stamp your feet in some foreign nation's ground, walking around with your dic..err gun.. in your hand, threatening the populace if they don't obey. Otherwise you might have respect for other nations, and then what?

  26. Ricardo Queso

    don't be surprised...

    Now that Kim Dotcom has threatened to "out" people in high places in the ruling party, don't be surprised if he has a convenient heart attack just like Andrew Breitbart. I'm sure it will be attributed to Kim's weight and ruled "natural causes" within seconds, again, just like AB.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: don't be surprised...

      THAT would be excellent.

    2. Jeebus

      Re: don't be surprised...

      I wish someone did kill him :(

      It seems such a waste, just once these lunatics should have a legitimate crow nest in their garden instead of alcoholic, overworked cretin died due to drinking too much and being so angry his body gave up.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: don't be surprised...

      Nope, not surprising at all. Almost expected. F-ing 'merkins have no sense of appropriate behaviour.

  27. Ricardo Queso

    Awesome. I hope he leaks the names of the people and of what they downloaded no matter what happens with the trial. I'm sure the list of blue movies for Big Sis "JN" and for Barney "BF" Frank will be epic.

  28. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Blackmail won't win him any friends in the judicial system

    Megaman isn't going to win friends or influence people in the judicial system with threats of blackmail.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Blackmail won't win him any friends in the judicial system

      And why the hell should he? Evidently the lawmakers themselves use his service; ergo either it can be agreed that there -is- legitimate purposes, or those lawmakers think the laws they make are full of crap too.

      1. Richard Wharram

        Re: Blackmail won't win him any friends in the judicial system

        Whilst I can appreciate the irony, nay hypocrisy, of lawmakers using this service, the lawmakers are not the law. Hence your argument is invalid.

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    They are all full of crap

    Mega Man and the legislators.

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