Apparently "1 Average Amount of Urine Produced/Human/Day is equivalent to 4.226752818811 Can of Beer"
So, that's why lager is sold in packs of 4!
We know our regular readers are keen on unorthodox units of measurement, so you're invited today to while away the time until pub o'clock with an entertaining online Weird Converter. The website's creator explains that "while watching the Discovery Channel one day, listening to the narrators compare the size of a truck to blue …
If you stuck to zarlbucks.
Being a measurement of either weight, tensile strength, volume and size.
It is simply based on the average size of an erection + or -.
For instance:
Zarlbuck + refers to fullness, tensile strength, length and volume.
Zarlbuck - refers to flop, softness etc.
Zarlbuck= refers to the difference between the two.
I hate it when people don't handle significant digits correctly: all of these conversions have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY to many digits - your bowel movements would have to be controlled to picogram levels to be able to use that many digits.
Yes, it's for fun - but that doesn't mean you cannot get it right, as well.
Hoisted -by- your own petard.
From the days of badly implemented gunpowder - in this case, IIRC, a petard was the equivalent of a modern grenade. But to deliver a petard, you had to go running hell bent for leather into enemy territory, divest yourself of the ordnance, and high tail it out of there.
If you didn't high tail quickly enough, your petard would go off, flinging you into the air - and thus, you would be taken out by the weapon you delivered yourself.
Or, at least, so I've heard.