Reality Check - I don't usually whinge but............
Big fan of tablets with two iPads, two Androids tablets, several Windows pen computers.
I take anything that Apple says with a large dose of salt. PC or Mac will always be the "digital hub" connecting an array of devices, for me. iTunes is a key element in the connection of various Apple devices, on a big Dell workstation (XP SP3), backed up to external hard drives. Use Macs for other stuff, mostly movies or web site creation.
Watched the entire Keynote as an iTunes Podcast & what a bunch of scruffs (rich scruffs). No attendee at these events has the balls to interrupt or ask questions (except The Register who are persona non grata). eg. why is web hosting discontinued with MobileMe ? Ditto Web Gallery. If iPhoto is part of iLife then why isn't iWeb (part of iLife) also available on iPad. Thousands of businesses & individuals are dropped in it once again because Apple's pulled the plug. They do this on a regular basis. Won't be going the iCloud route any time soon.
Moving Web Gallery to SmugMug & may stay with iWeb or go RapidWeaver/Sandvox/Freeway route.
Now for specifics, & this is why you need fast wired broadband. Big updates to iTunes, Pages, Numbers, iPads, iPhones etc running into multiple GBs. Latest versions of Numbers etc require that the iPad be updated. This process took several hours & failed ! I'll sort it out but it's a real pain. Will then need to repeat on second iPad & iPhones. To Apple's credit these updates usually go smoothly. Other vendors are just as bad or worse. Never put all of your eggs in one IT basket, always, always, always back up, and particularly with Apple - the devil is always in the detail.
Will I be getting a "new iPad" ? You bet, but later in the year once the initial & inevitable manufacturing glitches are resolved. Android stuff is also on the "wish list".
That's the IT industry for you. Don't we just love it ??!!