Eventually, someone will realise that the difference between 499Mb a month and 500Mb a month is less than one-499th of your phone package cost, and make them charge relative to that.
And then, hopefully, someone will spot that data local to the cell tower is virtually free to the operators (hell, buy an 100Mbps business cable connection on each antenna if it comes to it - and 100 users can get simultaneous 1Mbps for less than the cost of a single smartphone package) and make them price according.
People should NOT, out of fear of running up costs, need to manage their data. The phone should do it. The operator should do it (BY LAW!). Or it should be so damned cheap that it doesn't matter.
Don't even get me starting on roaming, which the EU really needs to clamp down on (and costs the operators NOTHING if they weren't all stinging each other for money so millions of ponds changes hands back and forth but they all make the same HUMONGOUS profit from each other in the end anyway - again, what's to stop you charging me the same as you charge those other customers who are local data users? Does a FLAG_FOREIGNER bit in the packet cause the cost to the local cell's Internet connection to sky-rocket?)