Re: Re: Fidelity Bravery Integrity
"I don't know or care about what beef you seem to hold against Anonymous...." Ah, nothing like an opening statement admitting your own blinkeredness. How are you ever goin to learn anything new if you simply refuse to even acknowledge another's POV? You could debate your support for the Anonyputzs, provide counters to any arguments I might put forward, but instead you seem scared of debate. That is simply unquestioning belief, one step from mindless acceptance, and probably bordering on a failth-like worship. In other words, a major fail.
"....the FBI allegedly and by their own admission blackmailing him in the lowliest of ways...." Nope, they simply pointed out to the suspected crim that - if he was tried and found guilty - his actions would have ramifications for his children. Strange, you seem to have a hard time accepting that his actions could have ramifications. I assume that you and him share a common inability to consider that all actions have a reaction, and often not the one you may have thought they would. The prisons are full of criminals that thought along those lines.
"....A traitor is always a traitor...." Whilst your use of the term "traitor" is very indicative both of your political leanings and the unquestioning zealotry with which you pursue your trendy "cause", it amuses me that you would somehow credit the crim in question with some higher standard. Sabu turned out to be just another criminal, simply a "bad" human, and given to the same weaknesses as other types of criminals. If Sabu was really dedicated to The Cause, he would have gladly sacrificed his own freedom and his contact with his children "for teh Greater Good". Instead, he folded like a cheap thief caught shoplifting. Why so suprised, or had you placed him on some sort of mental pedestal? Ain't it a bummer when your "religion" falls apart, I'm not surprised your response is furious denial in the face of simple facts.
"....As for your Disneyland colleague...." Why? In your eyes, was he undeserving of sympathy because he worked and saved? If it was the destination you found so reprehensible, would you have been sympathetic if he'd been saving to send his kiddies to some hippy camp to be taught the "correct way to think"? And don't wory about his kids, they came back very happy with their holiday. Does it pain you to think that they'll probably grow up to be happy, hard-working consumers? I hope so.
".....Oh, the tribulations of the urban middle class!...." Oh, the whining of the gormless socialist.
"....reading through your "contributions"...." I have to ask how you could, seeing as you seem to hate anything to do with capitalism? Did you steal - sorry, "liberate" - the PC you used, or the Internet connection? Or are you another one of those poor, misunderstood revolutionaries, working towards the Revolution for the Greater Good from the comfort of your Mom's basement?
Ah, choices, choices. Do I use the "Epic Fail" or the "Stop this nonsense" icon? Shame we don't have a "ROFLMAO @ your tantrum" icon. I think simply reiterating my satisfaction at your upset will do. Smiley!