back to article Apple's App Store parades surprise new Catalog model

Apple has launched a new App Store category called Catalogs in what could be a tantalising glimpse of something bigger to be unveiled tonight at the next-gen iPad launch. The outing of the Catalogs section (in some places spelled "Catalogues" presumably for Brits) seems to be a little premature - certain apps are listed in it …


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  1. Archivist

    US centric or what?

    (in some places spelled "Catalogues" presumably for Brits)

    I suspect that more people than Brits use the proper spelling.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: US centric or what?

      It's just this article. The UK version of the app store (shop? :) calls them catalogues.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: US centric or what?

      Hope we don't have to put up with more americanisations.

    3. Armando 123

      Re: US centric or what?

      Pleasue don'tue takue thatue attitudue. Letue theue Frenchue keepue itue.

  2. banjomike
    Thumb Up

    Um, why not include Lego?

    The Lego Minifigure Catalog would seem to be a catalogue (or even a catalog) by any definition of the word that I have seen.

    I suppose Apple SHOULD have named the new section "Shopping" if that is what they were aiming at but how oftern do Apple do the obvious.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      It is included

      Thst's what the article says

  3. Lockwood



    I can't even be bothered to draft a bricked phone joke.

    Insert your own here.

  4. jubtastic1

    My dear Watson

    They would hardly stick random apps in this section without talking to the devs if it's going to be a new branch of in app sales, ergo it's simply organisational.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    How long till ....

    ... Apple sue Lego for copyright infringement

    1. Lockwood

      Re: How long till ....

      Most LEGO bricks have sharp corners.

      The Minifig head, however...

      Maybe they'll go for a partial infringment claim.

  6. Adam T


    The laminated book of dreams, coming to an iPad near you.

    But does Apple have a 1000% APR In-App Purchase credit system to go with it?

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