' the point where the supersonic solar blast slows down'
How can something be supersonic in the vacuum of space?
ESA's Venus Express spacecraft has spotted the planet blowing back million-mile-per-hour solar winds in weather explosions similar to what happens outside Earth's magnetic shield. Solar winds bombard the Earth every day, but the torrential gales are stopped about 44,000 miles away from the planet when they hit the magnetic …
...so the orientation of the day/night sides of the planet in your picture seem, ahem, implausible....
Unless the planet's orbital velocity is meant to be waaay greater than the solar wind speed, which I don't think is the case?
Supersonic in terms of the speed of "sound" in the ambient solar wind I expect.
Hmmm, beer 'o'clock already...
To be picky there is no way that the solar wind can reach the surface of Venus. There is far too much atmosphere in the way.
You need something like Mercury or the Moon with no atmosphere and no magnetic field.
Reminds me of much enjoyment from watching "The Core". I recommend it as a nights entertainment for any Physicist.
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Maybe its about time that some real Science Journals start requesting articles from ESA and NASA about what our solar system really looks like and how dynamic the interactions between the members are... What is seen in WIKI bears no resemblance to anything in schoolbooks, or the general media... The public can get over Gallaos and Kepplers view of our Solar system, WIKI has over 40 planetary bodies, with fly-by pix of each... There are solar wind views that look like the whole system is on fire (it probably is,by definition)... This world view probably isnt Religiously or Politically correct, so we get articles like this one... per WIKI, this is a yawn...