back to article Big Brother refunds Facebook credits after vote crash blunder

Ofcom has let Channel 5 off the hook after it agreed to let Big Brother viewers carry over surplus Facebook credits, or get a refund, if they were unable to vote in the show's evictions. The last series of Big Brother was a UK telly first by accepting votes through the use of paid-for Facebook credits. However, these had to be …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh. If only we could do this

    for our Members of Parliament

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Oh. If only we could do this

      Just like the film "Cube" :)

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Oh. If only we could do this

      So people would buy credits to vote as many times as they could afford.

      Therefore whoever has the most money has most influence on the government.

      And that would be different to today's governments (UK, USA take your pick) in what way exactly?

  2. JakeyC

    Idiot tax

    Should have stuck to "no refunds" - just write it off as per title.

  3. tkioz

    "As first steps go this was a small stumble, but unlikely to shake the industry's faith in the concept"

    The continued existence of Big Brother shakes my faith in humanity...

  4. ColonelClaw

    I must say I'm surprised that a company under the ownership of the highly repected and scrupulously moral Richard 'Dirty' Desmond should be involved in dodgy practices.

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