Can we build more cpu cores and toss the crappy video out?
I for one am not getting this whole everything on a chip design. At least for the desktop cpus. Why can't they make a mobile cpu with graphics, and put more cores, 8, 16 or more on the desktop cpu version and leave out all the graphics crap? It's WAY slower than dedicated cards anyway. It's the same stupid morons that think TVs with 3D and network and all that crap is worth a few hundred more. Give me a better picture, no frills, any day. I'll use an external device, flash/usb stick, HDMI out from my tablet, phone, laptop, whatever for download content and web browsing. I hate all this extra crap we now have to have in our tvs. 3D is so badly done by almost every movie anyway.. especially all these cheap 2D shot movies that then post-convert to 3D, which is no where near as good. 3D won't work until we have a completely 3D hologram movie theater where I can turn around and see what's behind me in the movie... in fact.. toss the whole idea out until we have holodecks and can interact. Or at least allow us to set up a couple Kinects with 4 projectors that can cover a room full of walls with video and detect our movements and put us in the middle of the movie or game. That's 3D. I've yet to see any movie, including Avatar, about the best one there is, that looks convincing to me. Hell, OLED at 4K resolution would be MUCH more convincing than 3D.. and like someone else said.. with current 1080p screens, you're only getting 1/2 the HD image in 3D.. why do I want to watch a degraded HD image with crappy 3D over a solid 2D.
When 3D brings a movie to us like 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound does to audio.. then we'll have something. I fell like current 3D is like the USA attempt at 4G.. not even close.