Wow you had fun with this article!
Who do I send the bill to for a replacement keyboard?
“A number of potential purchasers have expressed interest” in acquiring Dick Smith from Woolworths, according to half-year results released today. The report shows why the chain may not be an entirely impotent force in the market – sales were up 2.4% for the half despite generally tough retail trading conditions. New format …
Or are they hard up for cash?
I hope someone comes up with an offer soon, we wouldn't want to see the market go limp.
Ah, the electronic Dick; I used to get my floppies from him all them time! I also got my very first computer from him - the mighty Dick Smith Wizzard (yes, WiZZard. Yes, TWO Zs). 20 years before I had Wii in my living room, we played with Dick Smith's Wizz on the carpet in front of the telly.
Can I have a job as a writer? I think I qualify.
OK, yes, my coat is the grey mac that opens easily.