Bottom up
Whether in a small company or a large one , we got to focus on how people get jobs.
More often than not , big cheeses are not coming from the really informed and knowledgeable workers that built the department. It's often a free loader that happens to know someone and is well versed in bullshitting people in thinking they know something .
A really good CIO , imho, would be someone from the rank and file that's proved to be a person that has shown he's an excellent co worker, someone opened to discussion and ideas and that can synthesise the information , make sense of it and be able to communicate with people that have no knowledge whatsoever of technical issues.
You need that guy to also knows about finance ? get him in school .
It's always a shame to see people who built a department , giving it their best , see a total stranger come in and take over their work . Recognising the value of the work that was done and rewarding people on fair terms by promoting them seems the way to go. But it aint the way it's going most the time.
Up to now , i never met a CIO that spent nights in the data center
Position might be needed by the corporate structure , but who they put in that position should be uniquely based on knowledge of the data center work , it's people , traditions and especially someone with experience in the department that knows what's going on .
Otherwise .. what's a CIO good for ? just another freetard with a BMW ?
We can pass on those.The real CIO's we need are people that made their way from the bottom up and earned their stripes.The death of the CIO job is not for tomorrow .. what we need to do is fill those jobs with the people that know something .