pushy galore
I musht be dreaming!
great !!!!
The director of forthcoming 007 romp Skyfall has provocatively suggested a certain similarity between Daniel Craig and Sean Connery - something which will no doubt give "Best Bond" pub bores something to bang on about all week. Speaking in his first Skyfall "Videoblog", Sam Mendes praises Casino Royale and wisely avoids all …
"this Reg hack's own first clear memory of Sean Connery is of a real man in an entirely plausible real situation, that's to say, strapped to a gold table while a laser beam inches its way towards his 'nads.
Happens to me all the time.
Really wasn't too keen on Casino Royale. The first bit of the film was OK-ish. But once Bond got to the casino I was bored shitless..
Not too fussed with this "gritty realism" thing in Bond films, anyway. I want absurd situations, OTT car (boat, tank, submarine, etc) chases, gadgets, one-liners, etc.
Hell, Johnny English is more Bond, than Bond, thee days......
But then you get all the bores complaining about the newer films being more true to the books.
I stopped watching Bond films after Casino Royale - long winded with thuggish violence. Another vote for implausible Bond films.
Paris, because she'd be ideal as a Bond Baddy.
Do you not think that whenever Brosnan said 'Jaaayyyymmmes Bahhhhhnd' it sounded like he was straining on a particularly difficult stool? It didn't help that his later films made Moonraker look good...
Connery's nervousness in the infamous 'No Mister Bond I expect you to DIE' was apparently real. There was a guy under the table with a blowtorch making the cut in the 'gold' and he was getting a bit closer to Connery's bits than he would have liked!
Personally I liked Timothy Dalton - he played it much closer to the books and he's by far and away the best skilled actor to play the role. But then again his films were new when I was at the right age, so it could be that.
Fanboi, because I am.
Another vote for Timothy Dalton here. Perhaps not as good as Connery in his first four or five outings ("From Russia with Love" is still just about at the top of my favourites list, with "Thunderball" not far behind), but definitely better than any of the others.
However, I regard the new ones with Daniel Craig as being a reboot, and nothing to do with what has gone before. In that light, I quite enjoy the new films (except for the slightly over-the-top finale to "Quantum" - seriously, does anyone really dislike the chase through the horse-race?).
Probably on my own here, but my fave bond was George Lazenby.
He played Bond well, help significantly by having the best leading lady played by Diana Rigg and a decent villain played by Telly Savalas.
Plus, probably best theme music of any film made, performed by Louis Armstrong.
It's inevitable with any 'series' that has been around for so long. Each era of Bond was a product of it's time, what Cubby thought the cinema going punters were after, and that has changed an awful lot since the 60s. You could no more make another Dr No today than you could Carry on Camping. Hell, even the cheesy 70s/80s Roger Moore films are good when taken in context.
Besides, the best Bond was Lazenby surely? "Well, this never happened to that other fella.."
Been laid up after knee problems the last month and will be housebound for the next 2 months at least to.
As such im doing a bond marathon after getting the collection in blu-ray. The difference between bond films before Craige is so stark its like QoS and Casino Royale and completely different from the rest.
Ditch Craige and give me back guns, women, gadgets and cheese please.
The older complain because the series is never like it was, and the younger love it because they can't compare/contrast.
IMHO, a block of cheese would done a better job than Pierce Brosnan. He made the films such an excruciating experience and ruined my appreciation for the JB series. Casino Royale revived that appreciation, but maybe people are expecting too much from Daniel.
They have been a yawnfest for years. Probably why they struggled to get this one funded.
We need someone that projects a bit of metrosexual ambiguity in the role and can do the gags.
I think the big bloke out of little britain would be a great Bond. The bald one could be blofelt .
To be honest I think most of the budget nowadays goes on telling us 'bond is back! etc etc.
And bits of Quantum of Solace were good too - although the finest moment it produced was the Joe Cornish version of the theme song
I met a lovely lady, but found out she was a rotter,
So we exchanged some saucy quips, I snogged her, then I shot her.
I want a quantum of solace but no more than a quantum,
I know they do big bags of solace, but I don't want 'em,
I only want a teeny tiny piece of solace,
Before I shoot you.
I know this totally goes against the grain of modern thinking, but personally, my favourite Bond film is 'The Spy Who Loved Me'.
It's got the best opening stunt, an awesome title song, a brilliant soundtrack, Rodge at the peak of his powers, classic exotic locations such as Egypt, a fantastic bad guy in Jaws, some unforgettable set pieces such as a supertanker that swallows a submarine and an underwater villan's lair, and lastly but most importantly, the most unfeasably hot Bond girl of all time in Barbara Bach.
May I hijack this thread, and ask you Reg readers for your ideas on what new Q-Branch gadgets 007 might have in future films?
[Original spy gadgets were tiny radios and tiny cameras... now that we all have devices in our pockets that can snap a top secret war-plan and send it around the world, what would it take to bring the magic back to JB's gizmos?]
No point in arguing who was the best/only true Bond. The character of Bond was molded over generations by several actors, of which each one added something to the final image.
Connery created the new, unusual kind of hero, and would he done nothing else in his career, I would love him still.
George Lazenby contributed a fact, that even Bond must be played by real actor. Also, kilt.
Roger Moore gave Bond something invaluable: A humor.
Timothy Dalton turned the spy into action hero.
Pierce Brosnan actually made him more believable, by openly admiting how he enjoys being a bit of an asshole. Also, he is a good actor, his accent or whatever be damned.
And Daniel Craig gave us, so far, a perfect presentation of the origin story. He is a very good Bond, standing on shoulders of several previous good Bonds. I am lookng forward Skyfall, I really do. And stupid gadgets and mood-killing oneliners can be unplugged from life suport, as they should be twenty years ago, thank you very much.
or in the Bond Movie universe the invisible car with the last PB film - not that it was his fault.
they had to reboot it after that - were else were they going to go after the invisible car - a map of Hogworts ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H Spectre headquarters?
+1 for TD - especially with his accent!
where's the shark icon when you need one?