Grid Lens is a fun little photography app that allows you to combine multiple images within a single shot. Grid Lens iOS app screenshot Grid Lens iOS app screenshot Single lens mode The app uses a grid to divide the image on the iPhone’s screen into a series of frames. You can then take photos in two different ways. …
Because like most apps, they simply provide a means for people to do something with their iphone, that makes them think they will look cool in front of others.
I.e. "hey wow - I'll look awesome doing that in front of my friends on my ipad/iphone".
In the same way as smoking makes you look cool and having your car stereo blasting out some dubstep makes you the coolest person in hearing distance.
..because most of them tend to be exercises in polishing turds (or at least hiding shitty photography behind 'vintage' FX), but I rather like the look of this. It's based on the various timeslice Lomo cameras from a few years back, which I had one of and it was rather fun.
I have no iPhone though. Anyone know if there's a 'droid equivalent?
So, ok many of us could simply achieve the same effect within 5 minutes on Photoshop (or even Paint) but a lot of others either can't do this or simply have better things to do. My kids would probably have fun with this app, but just because I wouldn't doesn't mean I'd piss all over it like you lot.