"some familiar foes as you've never seen them before"
Cybermen in pink tutus and boas? Cool.
The BBC's spinners have worked themselves into a right state over the news that filming has kicked off on the seventh series of Doctor Who. Viewers are promised 14 "blockbuster-movie episodes" as Arthur Darvill and Karen Gillan embark on "their final, rollercoaster voyage" with Matt Smith's Time Lord. Arthur Darvill, Matt …
so theres been :
Spitfires (complete with spinny props) IN SPAAAACE!!!!
Victorians IN SPAAAACE!!!!
Pirates IN SPAAAACE!!!!
Flying sharks IN SPAAAACE!!!!
Titanic IN SPAAAACE!!!!
so let me guess it will be
Cavemen IN SPAAAACE!!!!
dark ages IN SPAAAACE!!!!
eqyptians IN SPAAAACE!!!!
"a) Travelling more than 100 years from the current time.
b) Travelling more than 300 miles from Cardiff."
One should be careful with such accusations, especially on a tech website where Who fans could be lurking anywhere. Namely that one over there coming at you swinging episode 3x11, where they go to the year 100 trillion... Although admittedly they do start in Cardiff. :P
I can't say that I'd be too upset about an obsessive fan picking a hole in my off-hand statistics.
But nonetheless, DW continues to swan around 20th-21st century London, and that's why I stopped watching it. Heck... even when they do go into spppppaaaaaaccccceeee or time, it's usually a future London, or has a distinctly British feel. Dullllllll.
As far as the BBC were concerned Steven Moffat 'rebooted' Doctor Who. So this is NuNuWho and they've just started filming series/season 3.
Or series 'fnarg' as The Moff calls it.
(I think a recent issue of Doctor Who Magazine went to some lengths to muddy the series numbering.)
It's not a reboot. It's just following the shows tradition of reinventing itself.
A reboot (which is what was mooted in the 90's) would see the show starting again. But to give them their dues both Davies and Moffatt have drawn on the shows rich history using everything from Sarah Jane Smith through to a recent reference to the Nimon (which got a cheer in my house).
I also suspect the NuNumbering etc. had something to do with repudiation of the last years of the original series. There were a few absolute winners in there. But in general, the most horrible things you'd see watching Dr. Who were the production values. Why they kept that guy [He Who Shall Not Be Named] as producer is beyond comprehension. Way to tank the show dude! Some of the episodes were positively nauseating in quality. The show literally killed itself, despite explanations to the contrary.
What influx of American money?
And what do you mean, "the villain"? It has a different one every week.
And as for the plots and pacing being pure Hollywood, haven't you noticed that since the show returned in 2005, it's been self-contained 45-minute episodes with 'Previously...' catch-ups at the start of many, 'Next time...' trailers at the end and the occasional two-parter. Just like Star Trek and every other Hollywood sci-fi show.
There are still people who bemoan the fact each story is no longer spread across two months in 23-minute slices, mostly full of boring filler sequences of people walking along corridors, through caves, up stairs, or just wandering lost calling out for The Doctor. The old Doctor Who all too often felt like you were watching a cricket match. Maybe that was OK at the time, but not now.
I couldn't go back to that any more than a small CRT TV, VHS recorder with 8-programme timer, cassette walkman or a car with a crank handle.
The problem with Torchwood was that it was too expensive and too much of an effort for an in-house production. The BBC are happy to make a show like that if they get 13 episodes, but not just 5 to be shown over one week. They leave that sort of thing to independent producers, but the BBC won't hand over Doctor Who or Torchwood to another company. So that leaves co-productions, which often lead to too many cooks with conflicting goals, agendas and internal politics.
The bogus "second half" of the last season was a huge, convoluted mess with a big letdown (copout?) of a resolution. I think the Moff made it all too complicated and twisty and had trouble coming up with a satisfying resolution.
Old monsters eh...Meglos? (Don't laugh, it almost was...and we did get a Nimon last fall...)
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Now that's a good idea...
Have to say that sets in new series are better (don't look like they are made from cardboard), but some of the stories are very poor. And fixing the chameleon circuit, what were they thinking....
Have been some classics since the restart though (The Library double episode for one)
Can we have a Dalek logo (probably not I guess due to Marketing and such....)
Sorry but I just can’t get excited about this.
Matt Smith makes a poor Doctor. He’s too small. He’s too lanky. He’s too young. He doesn’t have screen presence. His voice is weedy and expressionless. He comes across as a gawky teenager literally playing “Doctor Who”.
All this might be forgiven if the storylines were any good, but since Tennant’s departure the stories have been ridiculous, and, frankly, all over the place.
Doctor Who needs a radical revamp in time for the 50th Anniversary. The Doctor and his two current companions need replacing post haste, so that some life can be breathed back into the brand.
Matt Smith should step aside and make way for someone he could do justice to the role: Paul Shane. With Sue Pollard and Orm & Cheap as the companions.
The thing is, Moffat finished the "how did the Doctor die" story arc with the Doctor having to avoid attracting attention. And I want to see how he handles that, because if he can manage a season which doesn't need the end of Earth, the end of the Universe, or the end of Time, as a climax, the show can be sustained for a long time. I have mixed feelings about some of his writing, but at his best you see marvels.
Just don't blink.
"the Doctor having to avoid attracting attention"
Not really necessary, since he's a time traveller. Even if I "know" that the Doctor died and I see him walking around, I can legitimately think that I'm seeing the Doctor before he "died", at a time further in the future.
In general I love the series, I just wish that (a) they stop it with the high-speed complex explanations that are un-understandable gibberish (b) stop the over-use of the sonic screwdriver. It's become too much of a cop-out, how about some more inventiveness to get out of tricky situations? It's basically cheating (c) not over-use long and convoluted story-arcs and do a few more stand-alone episodes (Blink - Best episode ever)
well, the doctor didn't actually die... the guy you see walking round may or may not be him! :)
Now go and re-watch that episode, and you will understand... :) :)
If you are too slow for the 'high-speed complex explanations' , then you need to work a lot harder at being a Whovian.. you have got a recording device????
Long and convoluted story-arcs are what makes the series very watchable, and re-watchable.. if you cannot handle it, try the children's spin off, Sarah Jane adventures...
Skip the PMs. Go to the source: Psychopathic Corporate Oligarchs, such as Dark Overlord Rupert Murdoch. Can't you see him as yet another wizened and botched reincarnation of The Master, snarling and waving a cane at the Doctor, threatening to cast the TARDIS into oblivion? There's evil for you!
I think it's down to opinion on the whole Matt Smith vs David Tennant stuff and even down to the direction of the show. I personally felt that David Tennant's Doctor was a bit too 'human' and emotional and that the story lines were sheer pantomime. Daleks in New York was a particularly bad example but the Ood and the Doctor Donna pish was even worse, not to mention the clearly plastic spider on Donna's back in Turn Left.
I really like Matt Smith though, he seems to have this ability to look either 25 or 70 depending on how he screws up his face and I like his childish view on the world because that's what the Doctor is, a big kid. And I also really like Steven Moffat's writing but I accept it's not for everyone because it's complicated. I'm not being condescending here, some people (gimps like me) are quite happy to watch the episodes 2 and 3 times and buy the box sets on Blu Ray so stories that make more sense the second time round are great. But if you just want to switch on, watch and switch off then I suppose it can be a bit frustrating.
Really looking forward to the new series. If Steven Moffat can make a watchable Christmas Special then I'm sure he can nail another series before his head gets too big and he needs to be replaced.
P.s. when Matt does leave can we PLEASE have Benedict Cumberbatch??? Pretty please?? With sugar on??
I have to agree with the comments about how
Probability of location <= 180 km from London, given time of story <= 10 years from now := .99
And look at the highly hyped "Doctor goes to the US" - did they send him someplace really interesting, like Yellowstone? Or the Grand Canyon? Or if the National Parks Service isn't cooperating, maybe Palo Duro canyon? You mean to tell me that with a friggin TARDIS the Doctor's never gone sight-seeing?
One or two almost throw-away shots (e.g. Hoover Dam), and that's it.
My favourite ones are the ones that take place far from earth.
(Think ones like Genesis of the Dalek's are best).
Don't like Amy Pond or Rorrie or River Song.
Quite liked the doctor's daughter though and the character of the tardis.
I think it is better to do long proper stories in 4 parts or whatever (45*4 is long enough for a decent story on an alien world).
For decent movie sci fi you need at least 2hrs so I don't get how 14 "blockbuster-movie episodes" can happen.
The thing I would be most interested in would be the timewar. (Timelords vs Dalek's).
Dunno whether it was the 8th or 9th doctor who was around then or not.
I liked the Christopher Eccleston series better than any of the other new ones. (Get the impression they spent more money on it - but I am not that bothered about fancy effects - mainly bothered about quality of dialog and alien worlds).
Dude, I would LOVE it if those two could sit in the same room and write something together. Like a new series of Red Dwarf that didn't suck balls. Since season 6 it's been mince.
But, seriously, the writers of Doctor Who have done some pretty inventive episodes. People need to remember that we're not supposed to be the target audience, kids are!! Go write an adult Doctor Who show and get that aired, I'd watch!
And why not! Then Doctor Helen Who could go back in time and wed himself, both mothering and fathering Susan, completing the cycle in divine style back at the beginning. I get writing credit!
Speaking of Susan: Since when is she dead in the series? Why is the Doctor always going on about being 'the last Timelord' when Susan was last seen living back on Earth, nowhere near Gallifrey or the Time War? Attention writers: The Doctor Susan Adventures! The new spinoff series for kids to replace the sadly demised 'Sarah Jane Adventures'. I get writing credit!
Then Susan can go back in time and secretly watch her parent(s) getting married, leaving a very special wedding present at their doorstep: An old Mark I, Type 40 TARDIS. How's that for a plot cycle in a cycle? I get writing credit! ;-Derek
"...big, blockbuster-movie episodes..."
Yep. I'm sure even more CGI, explosions and shoutyness will more than adequately compensate for the five-second attention span plots and cast who make the inhabitants of Hollyoaks look gnarled and gritty.
Any fule kno that the last real Dr. Who was Tom Baker. Every incarnation since then has just been embarrassing. Ecclestone might have pulled it off, if he'd stayed in the role for longer than five minutes and not set the current precedent for luvvies doing a season or two of Dr. Who as a quick bit of panto, before moving onto the next 'real' job.
Won't somebody think of the children, hiding behind the sofa!
Does it HAVE to be blockbusters all the way? Can it not just be spooky, broody, cleverly written mystery-fiction the way it used to be in the Good Days? I fear we are to be subject to more Orchestras, farting aliens, gay sharks and other bollocks. Sorry just BITTER, was so disappointed by most of the reboot, though it had some highlights along the way. It needs the highlights to become the norm. I do like Matt Smith, he's up there with Chris Ecclestone, who was up there with Tom Baker (I hear there were interlopers attempting to fill in between those real doctors but we'll ignore them).
Wadda wanna be when i grow up - Cousin Justine! :-)
Now if someone made a TV production of Faction Paradox.
A female lead role and the "goodies" are almost as amoral (inhuman) as the baddies.
The reason they will not make this into a TV show is that it maps too well with renegades against the status quo. Far to many *real* renegades to allow it on TV. Just give then reality, game shows and CBBC style who pap to keep em distracted.
One of my favourite Pertwee stories
Or more overlapping different regenerations - perhaps with Sean playing the part of the third Dr?
Upvote for return of his clone daughter.
And definitely more family friendly - just watched "Talons" on Windows Media Center, didn't realise they had a few different episodes on there - including Adrozani for those wanting a Peri fix...