I wonder if he's still in NZ?
Or already on a slooow boat to China. ;o)
Reports are emerging from the Land of the Long White Cloud that Kim Dotcom (formerly Kim Schmitz) has been sprung from prison after being granted bail. Dotcom, arrested in January in an international operation that shut down the Megaupload file locker site, is accused of heading an operation that conducted copyright violation …
They probably just discovered he's rich, and as you know, rich people are above the law in the US, fnarr, fnarr. In all cynicism, the result is probably that they'll just get a list of IP addresses and accounts and go after grandmas and 13 year olds again. Business as usual. :(
Maybe someone grew some and told Americaland to fuck off and find criminals harming people instead of their beloved shareholders and their crazy copy=deprivation theories. You know like actual theft (permanently depriving a person of something which is different to copying it), murder, rape, drug-peddling, etc
Yeah, I know, unlikely.
There is no report of new evidence, including in the linked report. The primary reason for granting bail appears to be that there is no new evidence of significant funds available. The FBI and supposedly NZ police have been unable to uncover the cash stash which the prosecution said existed and would have facilitated flight.
A bit like supposed weapons of mass distruction....
Many law enforcement entities have botched or ruined a case by overlooking one or more legal technicalities. Could this case be one of them?
It is anticipated that the extradition hearings will be scheduled for August. But, while the US has vocalized its desire to have Dotcom extradited, they have yet to file a "formal" request in writing - a request whose deadline is less than 2 weeks away (March 5th). If, in the fury of their legal activities, the US omits this tiny but important detail and lets the deadline pass, Kim Dotcom will walk free.
The fat guy was about to launch a service that would have turn the entire online music distribuiton model upside down: http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2012/01/24/is-this-the-real-reason-why-megaupload-was-shut-down/
And it was ALREADY RUNNING IN BETA, it seems: http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/permalink/2011/111221airvinyl
While interesting, it's not exactly a new idea. 7digital did it with indiestore, but it wasn't profitable enough (I don't know what % they took) and there are/were others (MusicGiants did this, but I can't seem to find them anymore).
If it happens, good luck to them, but I can't imagine the big labels being too scared of it.
BUT did 7digital have as it's CEO a music producer who is also married to a Big Name Star(TM)?
MegalUpload does, with Alecia Keys' husband taking over as CEO a little over a month ago, it was he who got the artists on board for the MegaSong etc.
Makes a bit of a difference...
I can...Why would big labels not be a bit afraid of a music service which is started up by a site which has (Had) the daily volume of visitors which Megaupload did. The cross promotion alone would have been enough to get the new site off to a fantastic start. Let's not forget that new artists are far morel likely to recognize the benefits of direct to consumer (or as close to it as possible) business model. What ever they can do to maintain the rights to their own music catalog is a big win. All it would take is ONE song to go crazy and BAM! They make a small fortune.
If Megabox can pull off a system that provides the public with easily-accessed free music while paying remuneration directly to the artists and nothing to the existing middlemen, it seems to me that the big labels would have to be drunk not to be terrified.
I would hardly consider Megaupload a mega conspiracy. I'll bet that the riaa spent more than $175million on "lobbying" to get Sopa in front of the right people.
The real conspiracy is that politicians seem to devote so much time to protecting the profits of so few companies when I am sure that the larger part of the electorate really don't care about them.
>The FBI has said the Megaupload business netted more than $US175 million for its principals<
And have they released proof of this or are we supposed to simply believe them?
The entire control structure of America has become so corrupt and fear based it might be time to start again. As has the UK, Australia, Europe... in fact every fricking country on the planet. Time to press the reset switch Sim God.
Icon not fanboi but somewhat darker, sicker and wipe clean easi (c).
PS. Not a megaload fan, he's a wannabe gangster and probably not a nice guy.
From Stuff.co.nz --
"Prosecution acting for the United States Government had said that because Dotcom was "very wealthy" it was probable he had more bank accounts.
"However, Judge Dawson said this put Dotcom in the position of having to "prove a negative" and that assertion was not enough to imply his flight risk."
Who knows, maybe the US will be forced to prove his guilt. How quaint: just like the law used to have to do in the old days, before the MAFIAA took it over.