back to article Google befriends Microsoft with WinDroid tablets

Google will launch Android 5.0 - codenamed Jellybean - as early as Q3 2012, to coincide with the launch of Microsoft's Windows 8 and offer dual-OS designs for tablet computers. Taiwan-based supply chain makers have fuelled the rumour mill again, this time with claims Android 5.0 is closer in the pipeline than we may have …


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  1. Spearchucker Jones

    It's like a zebra ironing a shirt

    ...I just can't picture it.

    Larry will sell his children if it lets him sell more ads.

    Ballmer would rather hack off a testicle with a rusty saw than do anything with Google.

    But... I've been wrong before.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It's like a zebra ironing a shirt

      @Spearchucker - "I just can't picture it."

      I can - and for that, I thank you!

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I'm confused about this one... You could look at it as Google wanting to serve ads everywhere, no matter what, or you could look at it as Google being seriously concerned about an MS tablet OS. Neither seem totally likely, maybe it's a bit of both.

  3. Martin 47

    It makes sense I suppose, microsoft long ago lost sight of what their customers want and google seems to have been rushing down that same road for a while.

    They are now, probably, very similar companies, ethos wise

    1. TeeCee Gold badge

      That last probably explains why I just had an 'orrible vision of MS and Google merging........

      1. Rob

        I'd rather...

        ...imagine the 2 most grotesque people alive bumping uglies than these 2.

        Keyboard symbol, because I was almost sick all over it.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Another option...

    Apart from the questions raised above I also wonder if it would be possible that neither Google nor Microsoft realizes the impact of made decisions. Google overlooking Windows 8 and Microsoft overlooking both Android 5 and this particular dual-existence feature.

    Could be fun, because if this scenario holds truth then I think its safe to assume that the moment either company realizes all this they'll be running to their lawyers. There's got to be a patent violation or two to be found in there.... Katschjing!

  5. Irongut Silver badge

    set to integrate Chrome-like functions

    So would that be Chrome the browser, Chrome the OS or shiny Chrome?

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not going to happen...

    If it does, then it's nothing more than a disruptive move my Google to thwart Windows 8 on tablets (not they they need to, as that strategy is doomed for failure without any Google intervention).

    1. ThomH Silver badge

      Re: Not going to happen...

      I actually wonder if this wouldn't give more oxygen to Windows tablets, doing more harm than good to Android.

      1. Spearchucker Jones

        Re: Re: Not going to happen...

        Inclined to agree with Tom. Windows 8 (and WOA) will provide access to Office and SkyDrive. Other than browsing that's probably the most asked-for use case* on a tablet.

        * That's based on conversations I have with my clients, which range from aerospace/defence to civil service, retail, and financial services (investment banking and insurance).

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Don't worry

    This is from Digitimes. Better odds of winning the lottery than one of their stories being right.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Don't worry

      Crap just noticed I agreed with Shitpeas.

      Pardon me while I go flagellate myself.

  8. alexh2o
    Big Brother

    Windows on Arm T&C changing to ban installation on devices with any other bootable OS in 3... 2... 1...

  9. Stick


    Whether this turns out to be a good idea or a terrible one, this highlights one interesting advantage that Google has with Android over its OS competitors - its flexibility to try out crazy things like this.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "flexibility to try out crazy things like this"

      Customers can also demonstrate their flexibility to not buy crazy things like this.

      You could probably market a BMW saloon with an option to switch the drive to a Ford Transit engine installed in the boot. Selling it would be a challenge though

  10. sabroni Silver badge

    Why would any normal user (not a tech head) want this feature? Isn't the success of iPad supposedly predicated on "it just works"? It's not "it just works in two different ways with two different sets of apps depending on which os you're in".

  11. Kay Burley ate my hamster
    Thumb Up

    Here's why!

    Coz Windows on Arm doesn't run everything does it. Android does tho... Also this gets around the Signed Kernel issue. ;)

    1. sabroni Silver badge

      Re: Here's why!

      Though you didn't choose to Reply to my post I guess it's me you're talking to. So explain why, if Android does everything on Arm, I'd want to run windows as well (if I'm a normal user...) Though obviously if my mum was using a tablet the first thing she'd want would be to get round the "signed kernel issue"....

  12. Stephen Hunt

    Come on Google...

    The .net platform on android would be win all around.

  13. Leon
    Thumb Up


    Can't wait to find the magic jellybean.

  14. Richard Plinston

    microsoft long ago lost sight of what their customers want

    You are not a customer of Microsoft. Windows users are not customers of Microsoft. You are customers of OEMs and retailers who are the customers of Microsoft.

    Microsoft looks after (or tries to) its customers: the OEMs and retailers. These want to sell more hardware and software more often for more revenue and profit.

    If Microsoft could make the hardware run slower a little bit each day so that what was blazing fast in the shop is now turgid and unresponsive compared to new shiny computers in the shop, then that would make their (MS's) customers very happy.

    Some think that MS did that.

    1. Martin 47

      Re: microsoft long ago lost sight of what their customers want

      Fair point and it probably explains why I find windows so dissatisfying

  15. b166er

    Works for me, that's what I want. The simplicity of Android and the scope of Windows. Just get the form factor right and gimme a folding screen, please?

  16. Muckminded

    Metro Sandwich

    We take one device, slather it with operating systems, deep fry it in FUD and then dust it with your choice of spray-on antennae, or sweaty captain Balmer funk.

    How can it lose?

  17. Hooksie
    Thumb Up

    Em, hello, HP Touchpad..

    I and several hundred thousand other Touchpad owners already have a dual booting tablet and I have to say that I think it works very well. Personally I use webOS far more often but having the choice is a very nice feature.

    I wouldn't see MS and Google working together though, more likely HP and Google

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Apple's dominance in the mobile market

    Will your hacks report correctly please?

    Nokia sold more phones.

    Apple earns more not sells more!

  19. sisk

    Interesting idea

    I don't see it going anywhere, but a dual booting tablet's an interesting idea anyway.

  20. get off

    Haven't I got one of these already?

    My HTC HD2 running winmo 6.5/winphone 7 and Android GB/ICS. No?

    Hell, I get a Galaxy Note to dual boot WinPhone from the SD and I am there, with a dual boot phonletab/tabphone/tablet (phone as well), phone that's also a tablet.. Ok, I give up with that one. You know the device I mean...

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