.Re: Hmm...
I’d like to reply to “anonymous coward” with some additional technical info in order to highlight the differences between these two data protection solutions:
? You should look at the best practices guides for inline hash-based systems which require that customers turn off any software compression on the source system and furthermore systems such as the D2D have trouble dealing with multiplexed data (data from multiple client systems interleaved in a single backup stream). Now if you look at what’s under the hood … The "very large StoreOnce boxes which have 500ish TB of back end disk" are actually collections of much smaller boxes managed through a single interface. You should also check out the configuration guide and will understand that the Enterprise StoreOnce Backup system is eight separate nodes, joined in “couplets” with failover between nodes and backups must be targeted at the correct couplet/node to ensure even capacity utilization. The dedupe domain is a library within a couplet and the maximum storage capacity of a couplet is 192TB raw, or 128TB usable with a performance hit above 64TB. The maximum throughput of a couplet is 6TB/hr.
? SEPATON can ingest at 43TB/hr in ONE 8-node system, irrespective of data change rate, and handle all that data in a single storage pool (a dedupe domain) if required.
? Please let’s not confuse SMB requirements with Enterprise requirements. SEPATON's architecture (basis for HP's VLS family) is specifically designed for the unique and challenging requirements of large enterprises and is offered by HP as a solution for large enterprises along with their D2D solutions.