I'm desperate for this to be affordable. If the wifi version is under £250, they'll have a sale, if its £300+ it'll fail.
Samsung shows third-gen Galaxy Tab
Samsung has outed the Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0), its parenthesis packing new tablet fresh for Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. As the number in brackets will have told you, the first Tab 2 - presumably there's a Tab 2 (10.1) on the way - has a 7in screen, this one with a 1024 x 600 resolution. Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0) Android 4.0 …
Monday 13th February 2012 14:19 GMT dotdavid
"none of your far-Eastern iPad lookalike knock-offs here."
Ah but Samsung, being South Korean, are far-Eastern and some (*cough*apple*cough*) have been repeatedly claiming they make "iPad lookalike knock-offs" too.
But I don't see it doing any better than Samsung's original tabs, and that's mainly because of the presumably high price (as the OP says).
Monday 13th February 2012 14:48 GMT Alex Walsh
It will fail commercially then, like the original, like the Xoom, the HTC Flyer, and like the endless list of other Android tablets. I'll pick up a SD cardless Kindle Fire for well under £200 and lament at Samsungs stupidity whilst wishing the bloody thing had an expansion slot.
Nobody in their right mind should be paying £300+ for a 7 inch tablet, even if it is a "premium" product.
(Am talking about the wifi only model btw)
Monday 13th February 2012 15:37 GMT Daf L
Thick Borders
It's so you can hold it.
You hold a phone with your fingers touching the sides but when you hold a tablet with one hand your palm or thumb has to rest on the face of the screen a little. This would register as a touch and keep messing with the software so you need a bezel to hold it.
Monday 13th February 2012 16:27 GMT Dazed and Confused
Thick borders, maybe this is why Apple think they are copying?
These borders don't look quite as thick as those on an iPad, but as you say an GalaxyS2 phone's borders are a fraction of this size. Considering Samsung will sell you a telly half the size of a wall with only a couple of mils or wasted space round the edge, these pads are starting to look so long in the tooth. You'd have thought that one of the obvious areas to compete here was to reduce the wasted space, as if you put a screen which is space efficient next to one with large borders, it makes the other screen look very dated.
Monday 13th February 2012 14:47 GMT Anonymous Coward
Apple will require the letter "i" to be removed from appearing anywhere on the device, including preventing the user from typing any word with the letter "i" in it.
On a more serious note, I wonder if the recent firmware upgrade to the 10.1 is paving the way for Ice Cream Sandwich for existing users?
Tuesday 14th February 2012 09:55 GMT Ian Johnston
Googling around suggests
that the galaxy Tab 10.1 is not going to be upgraded to ICS at all. Which I can understand, because Samsung want you to buy new tablets, not upgrade old ones from "useless piece of shit" to "perhaps less useless piece of shit".
I have a Galaxy Tab 10.1. I use it as a photo frame.
Monday 13th February 2012 14:49 GMT Peter 48
Surprisingly low res for the screen - the galaxy note has a higher res despite being nearly 2" smaller. To me this is an indicator that it will be sold cheaply to compete with the kindle fire. As for borders, I would need at least 1.5cm of border around the screen to be able to hold it comfortably.
Monday 13th February 2012 19:58 GMT Charles 9
That's not a widescreen ratio.
You probably refer to 1200x800, which is a res more commonly seen with 10-inch tablets. 1024x600 (not really 16:9, but it's decently close) seems to be the sweet spot with 7-inchers. Both the Kindle Fire and the color Nooks use this resolution as do a ton of 7-inch Honeycomb tablets (the El Cheapo Froyo/Gingerbread ones only do ~800x480).
Tuesday 14th February 2012 08:58 GMT AlexV
I don't know, what is the point of this one?
As far as I can tell, the 7.7 is better than this one - higher resolution, thinner, lighter, barely any larger (197x133 compared to 194x122), faster CPU, more battery, better screen tech.
Unless this one is a *lot* cheaper than the 7.7, I can't see any good reason for it to exist.
Monday 13th February 2012 16:03 GMT Chris 171
This is why I rate the Sony Tablet S...
This Samsung is just another addition to the endless stream of variable sized rectangular slabs with nothing to hold on to & no soul.
Yuk & balls, Sony all the way & it fits in a Crumpler 7" Gimp case too
PS, the S can be rooted now apparently, not that Ive done it yet.