back to article TDK ST-700 High Fidelity headphones

These headphones from TDK owe something of their design to Beats' Solo cans. The black TDKs aren’t as stylish as the Solos but they exude class. Pick them up and it’s clear they’re solid and robust. Even the hinges which allow them to fold slide elegantly rather than snap. And I like the rubberised finish on the headband. TDK …


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  1. LarsG

    it seems

    Discrete is no longer applicable.

    The bigger and more garish the headphones you wear on your commute to work the better.

    But that's fine, it makes you easier to rob.

    1. Cameron Colley

      It's called " sound quality".

      If you want it you buy something like this or some in ear monitors. Whilst the latter are more discrete some find them less comfortable and convenient.

      If you don't particularly care what your music sounds like then buy any old shit as long as it's discrete. After all, who cares about quality when you have your image to worry about?

      1. That Awful Puppy

        Could I just point out ...

        That the word you're looking for is "discreet" rather than "discrete"?

        Carry on.

        1. Cameron Colley

          Thanks, yes, serves me right for copying without thinking.


  2. BigBadWolf

    Bluetooth/wired over ears?

    Now that headphones seem to part of the fashion world, I'm finding it hard to locate a simple pair of over ear headphones that can work with bluetooth or with a removable cord.

    It seems like these could be made for a pittance these days but I can't find them. Anyone know where to go for geek headphones/earphones i.e. solid quality at a cheap price without marketing nonsense whether of the audiophile or teen fashion persuasion?

  3. BagOfSpanners

    Do they block the noise of co-workers?

    I'm still looking for a pair of headphones that can block the noise of my shouting, yawning, sneezing, coughing, farting, burping, coin-sorting office-mates, while I'm trying to concentrate on coding.

    Are these any good for that?

    1. Bassey

      Re: Do they block the noise of co-workers?

      "I'm still looking for a pair of headphones that can block the noise of my shouting, yawning, sneezing, coughing, farting, burping, coin-sorting office-mates"

      Firstly, I don't sort coins at work. Secondly, no, you want fully closed headphones. These are only half-closed. A good compromise for those wanting to concentrate on their music but still hear the phone ring etc.

  4. Paul Westerman


    LarsG/Cameron, I suspect you mean 'discreet'.

    'Discrete' means 'separate' (adj not verb).

    Thank you!

  5. platdujour

    Aren't they ST-700s..?

    Not SD-700

  6. darklord

    Iffy sound for 120 quid are you kidding. 50 to 80 sennheissers will trash these. how can they get 70% if they sound iffy. in essence 30 % would suffice in the real world.

    Tdk are seen as cheap make nowadays no street cred anymore since the demise of good cassettes.

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