That's the problem with an anoymous, open, unregulated group of people. Anyone could do anything and blame it on Anonymous and there's no way that anyone can definitively say it *wasn't* them, even other members of Anonymous.
That was *always* the problem with flying under that moniker or condemning/condoning any of their actions. There is no magical group of people called Anonymous that decides things and acts coherently. It's just a name, like John Doe, used by anyone who wants to do anything they wouldn't do with a real name attached. As such, you have no control over what the group does or where it goes. Even if lots of members of Anonymous discredit a particular act, that's not what anyone else hears - the guy doing it said he was part of Anonymous - a group famed for not knowing who its own members are.
I would be *incredibly* surprised if Anonymous doesn't keep coming up and up time and again in the news as various random people do things and blame it on them (What about that guy that gunned down the kids on the island? What if he'd been a "member" of Anonymous, etc.? What about MegaUpload? What about an unsavoury porn group? What about infiltration by government departments to discredit the name and turn Anonymous into the next "Terrorism"?).
You can't be a group, and let all your members do whatever they want, and then claim that you have a purpose.
Please stop referring to Anonymous as an entity. It's not. It's a moniker that anyone can use at any time and for any purpose. You cannot stop people using that name any more than you can part the Red Sea. If you decide to condone the actions of a group like that, you're more stupid than you think. It's like condoning every action of every Fred in the world because one Fred did something good for you once.