Calm down, Dear...
"...its fondleslabs to rich foreigners browsing for overpriced toys..."
More factual, objective and unbiased reporting, I see.
The contrast between Apple's prestige city-centre stores and the Sam's Club warehouse chain – where budget goods are sold straight from the pallet – is sharp. But that's where Apple wants to set up mini stores to sell its gadgets. There are about 600 Sam's Club retail warehouses across America selling everything from exercise …
I can only see the concept of Apple selling into cheap outlets working if they're selling old stuff and not the latest stuff. Maybe 6-12 months delay should do it.
Otherwise all but the most pious and devout fanboi is going to nip round to Lidl or Primark or whatever and save himself a few quid.
But there are enough idiots prepared to spend a week freezing their nuts off in a sleeping bag outside an Apple store just to get a new iphone a few hours before most people, so I am pretty sure that they'd go to Apple stores regardless of the price being higher.