Something "different" perhaps?
I've been a Mac user for two decades plus and own a few old Macs and some of the more recent stuff too.
Quite often my Windows centric friends and colleagues ask me why I use a Mac, I tend not to geek out and tell them I've been in the UNIX environment for 30 years plus and prefer the CLI, the BSD file structure etc, so without coming across as a "fanboi" I just tend to tell people "they work for me"
However I've encountered more people looking at Macs and MacBooks as an alternative to the Wintel PCs and laptops that they've invested in over the years.
So, now I ask why.. and the biggest factor seems to be that "they don't give trouble and last a long time" Really?
Well, I can vouch for the reliability because the applications are quite limited compared to the Pandora's Box of Windows offerings, although Macs are not exempt from hardware issues
As for the longevity, well yea, I have some old Macs ('89 SE/30, iMac G2 & G4, Mac Pro G5) that still work quite happily
I've seen more OSX compatible games and Microsoft Office 2011 for OSX is really good too. Add FireFox, Chrome, Skype and Apple's own FaceTime into the equation and it seems as if Apple's tin now offers everything that most home users need.
Could the home user be choosing a new home computer like they'd choose a car? Something that costs a little more but is reliable and lasts?
To be honest this growth in Mac sales also comes a surprise to me too...