Many corporations don't want good people. Good people make bad people look bad and so bad useless people don't want good people around them to show them up, so the good people will be endlessly attacked and undermined by the bad people.
The thing is while the Executive Management Team are earning lots of money, they don't want anyone good upsetting their nice little earner roles. So they have a vested interest in maintaining things the way it is for as long as they can. That means they prevent any new good upstarts bring in any new product ideas because if the new product ideas are successful, that would threaten to highlight the rest of the bad management as incompetent wasters.
That's why most corporations without any dominate technically minded leaders are very conservative in their product designs, because their predominately bad management are far more interested in infighting to hold onto their positions of power which earn them good money. Which is why they are bad because they are not focused on doing a good job. They are instead focused on preventing anyone else climbing up higher than them and so threatening to sideline them.
Their behaviour is showing a passive aggressive form of Narcissistic personality disorder. They are entirely self-interested with an often hidden two faced obstructionist resistance against anyone else doing well around them which shows them up as bad. Its the same problem we have in politics. Its therefore no wonder their self-interested underhanded two faced behaviour is also referred to as office politics.
The bad management will continue to milk the company of money until its near collapsing, at which point they will try to sell it and then walk away with millions more from their shares in the company. But even if the company just collapses, the bad management has already earned millions out of it, so they have little money worries unlike their redundant staff. But then the Narcissistic bosses don't really care about the redundant staff and they will simply argue the company failed due to market forces. In their mind, its not their fault. Narcissists refuse to even hear they are to blame, so its no wonder they never really learn they are wrong and so they continue to believe they are right. They are Narcissistic and that is why they are bad management. Their behaviour is arrogant self deception but you won't convince them of that and if you try, you will be thrown out the company.
A company run like this can last for years if the industry its in has continuous good money to earn, but in a constantly changing industry like technology, they will eventually fail due to a total lack of vision preventing them adapting sufficiently to change. So the bosses fight to control and prevent changes in society by lobbying law changes to give them control over anything they feel they don't have enough control over. Its why for example the patent system has become so corrupted by them that it now only serves billionaire corporations, because that prevents a lot of disruptive technology companies taking the corporations markets from them. It doesn't always work of course, but the control freak bosses try hard to prevent it working whenever possible.
Its also why anyone with any good ideas will find a lot of resistance to getting accepted in any corporation and any ideas that are accepted by their bosses will be argued that the ideas are really the bosses ideas and the staff who worked hard to make it happen will find they still get held back and pushed out the company. Corporate office politics is employment hell for anyone who wants to be creative & innovative.