That is so cool!
Made my day!
Paris Hilton, now everyone can enjoy her company.
A conceptual design for a new iPad case would let Apple fanbois get very personal indeed with their favorite fondleslab. The Fleshlight iPad holder comes to us from the fertile, febrile mind of prolific designer, author, recipe-creator, and opinionater Tv Slicèdbread Miller. The device – currently only in conceptual-design …
Rubber dongs with suction caps on the base have been available since before I was old enough to know about such things (and I ain't no sping chicken). So us girls have had the ability to make a device like this* since before tablets existed.
Nice to see the guys finally catching up! :-P
*no, I haven't. But I reserve the right!
I can second that. Alot of guys in the Military have them because the last thing the smarter Soldiers and Marines want is a "Desert Wife".
Nothing against Females in the Military, there are some very attractive and sweet girls in the service, but like in normal life, there are also some really fugly and slutty ones who know they wont get anything back in the States, but magically in the field they go from being a 3 or 4 in the real world to a 9 or 10 depending on how long you've been marooned there because men start getting desperate.
But regardless being sexually repressed when your life is constantly in danger in some way or another doesn't help your mental health one bit. I have the very severe PTSD to prove it, I was going through a divorce while deployed and my shrink, that I get to pay for out of pocket because I ETSed after the deployment, says that basically shutting off sexually probably contributed to the severity of the disorder.
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...clearly what one should see on the screen is a Sad Mac, followed by the error code for "Illegal Input", then "Buffer Overflow" ;)
PS - May god have mercy on those who get the poor beast gets so hot and bothered the battery has a meltdown...when entering the hospital, one does not wish to hear the doctor asking "Is that an iPad in his pants, or is the patient just happy to see us?" Yes, yes, it's all fun and games 'til someone gets, ahem, "dismembered"...
PPS - I don't suppose Apple sues Fleshlight at some point, claiming to have prior art on sperm-collecting devices? I can't believe this is the first time anyone has ever tried to f**k an Apple product, given the level of passion they seem to inspire :)
1a. A wanker's iPad is hacked and they become "famous on the Internet", complete with streaming video and audio.
1b. Potential employer searches the Internet for pictures of a job applicant, and matches on the video. Wanker's esume goes into the dustbin.
1c. Police trawling the Internet adds the wanker to their un-official list of "usual suspects".
1d. Insurance companies trawling the Internet get a match, conclude "wanking == unhappy marriage and increased likelihood of insured participating in high-risk activities." Insurance denied, dropped, or premiums raised.
1e. There was an error/inconsistency/whatever in Apple's database, so non-wanker suffers consequences 1b through 1d.
2a. Apple writes an app which analyzes the contents of users' "diagnostic" data streams, looks at accelerometer data, and automatically voids the wankers' warranties due to "excessive shock and vibration"; then . . .
2b. Apple's "confidential" database is breached, and the perps post the data on the Internet.
2c. Wankers and non-wankers, exposed and data-matched by name rather than face, suffer consequences 1b-1d, above.
Just sayin'... "Polly Plastic" is much safer.
Can you take a picture of your member and have it take part in the video you're watching? If the attachment had some sort of sensor inside it, the video could fast-forward to the end just as you, get into the station, so to speak. It'd save splashing out on an expensive replacement gadget.
The mind boggles :-)
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Do you get to see a transparent version of yourself overlaid (!) from the last time you used it?
I'm trying to beat my best!
Probably some game manufacturer out there now devising a set of levels for "trigger happy" lads to work through.
First level is obvious and only the most committed push through to a "Knightley".
You are failing to understand that apps really are not even necessary.
A video can be played full screen in portrait.
A photograph full screen.
Perhaps a browser that opens a Fleshlight POV porn site that will play an interactive Flash/HTML5 video with your unit (pun intended)
Skype, Facetime.
An app is merely for going to extremes that we haven't touched yet but not even yet required.
You're welcome!