That seemed pretty obvious to me. What is the problem exactly?
UK communications regulator Ofcom has slapped the wrists of Nokia and Channel 5 for failing to make it sufficiently clear to viewers that the TV company had taken the Finnish phone giant's sponsorship Euro, part of Nokia's Lumia 800 Windows Phone handset promo programme. Nokia paid Channel 5 an undisclosed sum to sponsor the …
Was that when they got rid of the boobs?
You know, the wankumentaries about the American porn industry and Las Vegas strippers, along with 'erotic thrillers' that were more 'boring melodramas with (occasional) tits'. Now sadly departed for endless repeats of CSI, NCIS and Law & Order.
An AC calling me a shill!!
BTW, it's 'cheque'.
Oh, and just had a look at your 'evidence'...
THat first one, refers to admittedly rabid responses to a 'review' of the lumia 800, but even the writer admits that the review isn't of the bloody phone!!
The 800 has it's faults, but at least write a review based on what you have actually SEEN...!!!
Go on.. thumbs down... MS shill... whatever...:D
I'm inclined to believe Nokia/Microsoft are actually targeting people too stupid to notice it was sponsorship... after all it's C5, a channel that needs a big channel dog to remind its comatose viewers which channel they're watching - as if the endless dross+CSI combo wasn't enough.
This late in the smartphone migration almost everyone that wants a smartphone has one and Microsofts continuing failure to advertise the WP7 features won't make many switch. The deliberate holdouts aren't volunteering. Seems believable they're targeting the leftovers too lazy to think or too stupid to understand the alternatives... which falls in nicely with showing a bright plasticky handset instead of trying to explain its USP!
Channel idents tend to be pretty much bobbins if not properly batshit insane.
Ok, I like the BBC HD doggies and the BBC One swimming hippos, and some of the Channel 4 ones are clever.
Not going to make we want to buy a hippo or a block of flats though, so a waste of Microsoft cash even if they didn't get done by Ofcom.
Though thinking about it, maybe the intention was to risk Channel 5's licence simply to get headlines?