I love the smell of free speech in the morning.....
I've spent most of the day on the CBS (yes CBS) web site, reading and watching commentary and trying to inject some sense into the debate. I had a lot of company, a lot of it sensible. It is re-assuring to know that multiple commentards and ordinary people can still make a difference. Hopefully this will become an object lesson in internet democracy and encourage more right-thinking people to do more of the same and more often. Even the MPAA is starting to quiet down. They'll probably ask for their money back.
So what's next? On-line voting anyone? On line, traceable campaign donations to our favorite politicians? Vive la transparence!
BTW, I link you to a great (if a little long) video on copyright and why it is broken. Worth a look.
Seriously, it was great to see what can happen when the technosphere gets a little irate and then works together. Maybe we won't have to keep forever bending over after all,
I also noticed that people on various sites seemed to enjoy slamming Wikipedia for its "political" statement (twitter's boss comes to mind). But quite frankly, Jimbo's decision to go off the air (along with many others) probably made a lot of "mainstream" news sites sit up, grow a pair and finally talk about SOPA. Good on you Jimbo, even if your site's articles do contain the odd misquote...